/% Passwords can be changed freely %/
<<set $pass_reception to "1234">>
<<set $pass_intranet to "3oKJjnDu">>
<<set $pass_admin to "ILikeCats95">>
<<set $pass_security to "LWvJt8qZ">>
<<set $pass_logistics to "Sadie1412">>
<<set $pass_trap to "Monarch">>
<<set $pass_lifesupport to "e2vBR4kA">>
<<set $Gates_a to "CLOSED">>
<<set $Gates_b to "CLOSED">>
<<set $Guns_a to "ON">>
<<set $Guns_b to "ON">>
<<set $Docking to "ON">>
<<set $Lift12 to "ON">>
<<set $Lift146 to "ON">>
<<set $Nitrogen1 to 78>>
<<set $Oxygen1 to 22>>
<<set $Atmosphere1 to "ON">>
<<set $Temperature1 to 22>>
<<set $Gravity1 to "1G">>
<<set $EscapePod1 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod2 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod3 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod4 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod5 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod6 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod7 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod8 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod9 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod10 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod11 to "DOCKED">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Reception Password">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Welcome back, Emma!
[[> E-MAIL |E-mail]]
[[> CHAT |Chat]]
[[> NETWORK |Network]]
[[> HACKERS BEWARE! |Hackers Beware]]
[[> LOG OFF |Reception Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<link "USE GREEN THEME">>
<<link "USE WHITE THEME">>
[[> BACK |Starting Screen]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_reception" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_reception) {
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.reception_attempts = (State.variables.reception_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.reception_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.reception_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Reception' passage
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> DEAR MS RAINS |Mail Raines]]
[[> SOLITAIRE TOURNAMENT |Union Newsletter]]
[[> BACK |Reception]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> DAVID CARTER |David Carter]]
[[> BACK |Reception]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> LOGS |Logs]]
[[> MAP |Map Floor 1]]
[[> BACK |Network]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Well done hacking into the system
Or maybe you guessed the password
I did change it to an easy one
Some tips from a peer:
Realise that MONARCH is watching you every move
Mess up, or try to hack something sensitive and there WILL be consequences
Do not FUCK around with suspicious nodes
YOU are the only person that can keep yourself safe
[[> BACK |Reception]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>DEAR MS RAINS</h1>
To: Employee Nr. 01793862 (Emma Raines)
From: CLOUDBANK Human Resources Division
Date: 2143.08.20
Subject: Termination of Employment
Dear Ms. Raines,
After a comprehensive review of your recent performance metrics, it has been determined that your work output has not met the stringent standards expected by CLOUDBANK Corporation. Your subpar performance, particularly in handling security protocols, has been noted as significantly below the acceptable threshold.
Effective immediately, your employment with CLOUDBANK Synthetics Production and Research & Development Laboratory is hereby terminated.
In accordance with corporate policy, you are offered an opportunity to redeem yourself by contributing to one of our subsidiary operations. Below is a list of available positions:
Acid Mine Extraction Technician
Location: Nox-7, Acid Mines of Klyntar Prime
Description: Involves extraction and processing of highly corrosive materials under extreme conditions.
Radiation Containment Specialist
Location: Terbus-9, Radcon Facility on Vulgor-3
Description: Responsibilities include managing containment protocols for radioactive waste.
Terraforming Operative
Location: Alpha-Rho-12, Terraforming Outpost on Trinity-Delta
Description: Assists in surface modification and atmospheric processing in harsh environmental conditions.
Your decision must be communicated to the HR Division within 48 hours. Failure to respond will result in forfeiture of all corporate employment opportunities.
We appreciate your prior contributions and hope you find this opportunity to prove your dedication and resilience to the CLOUDBANK corporate family.
Best regards,
CLOUDBANK Human Resources Division
[[> BACK |E-mail]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
ATTENTION: All Union Members
We have received disturbing reports concerning the recent authorization of brain scans. Under the guise of increasing productivity, these scans are being used for a far more sinister purpose.
Rumors have surfaced indicating that the brain scans are being utilized to train synthetic androids. The objective is to create AIs that are indistinguishable from real humans, including those whose brain scans they originate from.
This development poses a significant threat to our autonomy and privacy. Monarch's true intentions appear to be focused on replacing human workers with these highly advanced synths, potentially erasing our roles and identities.
1. Refuse Brain Scans: If approached for a scan, deny consent. Spread the word among trusted colleagues.
2. Gather Evidence: Collect any documentation or witness accounts related to the brain scan procedures and their implementation.
3. Remain Vigilant: Maintain high alert for any unusual activities or new protocols introduced by Monarch.
We must protect ourselves and each other. Share this information discreetly and stay united in our efforts to uncover the truth and safeguard our rights.
In Solidarity,
The Underground Union
[[> BACK |E-mail]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> ENTRY1 |Joke1]]
[[> ENTRY2 |Joke2]]
[[> ENTRY3 |Joke3]]
[[> ENTRY4 |Joke4]]
[[> BACK |Chat]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> RAINES CARTER 2143_07_07 |Chat1]]
[[> RAINES CARTER 2143_11_03 |Chat2]]
[[> RAINES CARTER 2143_01_16 |Chat3]]
[[> BACK |Chat]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Guan Shi: Hey, you know what sucks?
Phil: vaccuums
Guan Shi: Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
Phil: black holes
Guan Shi: Hey, you know what just isn't cool?
Phil: lava?
--- User "Guan Shi" left the channel ---
[[> BACK |Jokes]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Judge: try pressing the the Caps Lock key
Judge-Mental: ♥♥♥♥ me
[[> BACK |Jokes]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Marg: d-_-b
Kevyn: how u make that inverted b?
Kevyn: wait
Kevyn: never mind
[[> BACK |Jokes]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Carter: hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars
Carter: ********* see!
Kevyn: hunter2
Kevyn: doesnt look like stars to me
Carter: *******
Carter: thats what I see
Kevyn: oh, really?
Carter: Absolutely
Kevyn: you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2
Kevyn: haha, does that look funny to you?
Carter: lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as *******
Kevyn: thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that
Carter: yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as *******
Kevyn: awesome!
Kevyn: wait, how do you know my pw?
Carter: er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw
Kevyn: oh, ok.
[[> BACK |Jokes]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>RAINES CARTER 2143_07_07</h1>
Raines: David, have you heard about the new brain scan policy? Corporate just announced that Monarch is allowed to scan our brains to "increase productivity."
Carter: Yeah, I heard. It sounds really invasive. How is scanning our brains supposed to help productivity?
Raines: They say it’s to better understand our work patterns and improve efficiency. But it feels wrong. Like they're digging into our minds without our consent.
Carter: I don’t trust it. Monarch is already too involved in everything. What if they’re using this data for something else?
Raines: Exactly. I can't shake the feeling that there’s more to this than they’re telling us. I heard some of the guys in maintenance talking about it too. They’re worried.
Carter: We should be worried. This doesn’t sit right with me at all. We need to be careful, Emma. If they’re collecting brain scans, who knows what else they’re planning.
Raines: I know. We need to keep an eye on this. And stay in touch with the others. Maybe someone has more information.
Carter: Agreed. Let’s talk to the team discreetly and see what we can find out. Stay safe, Emma.
Raines: You too, David. Hey, do you have any plans for the evening?
Carter: Not really, why?
Raines: Would you like to meet up in the canteen later? We could use a break from all this stress.
Carter: That sounds perfect. How about 1900 hours?
Raines: 1900 it is. I’ll see you then :)
[[> BACK |David Carter]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>RAINES CARTER 2143_11_03</h1>
Raines: Have you seen the latest shift orders from the management system?! This is the third week in a row I’m scheduled for double shifts with no breaks. It’s insane!
Carter: Tell me about it. I’ve been getting shifts all over the place. Yesterday I had to cover maintenance in Sector 4, and I don’t even have clearance for that area.
Raines: Same here! I was asked to handle security protocols this morning. I’m a receptionist, not a security officer! What’s going on?
Carter: It’s like the system is just throwing us wherever it wants. I swear, it's making no sense. Productivity is down because we’re all exhausted and working jobs we aren’t trained for.
Raines: And don’t even get me started on the new synth supervisors. They’re supposed to help us, but they just follow the orders blindly, no matter how ridiculous they are.
Carter: I know, right? The other day, I was assigned to a shift with three synths and not a single human. Felt like I was being watched the whole time. Creepy.
Raines: It’s like the system wants us to fail. The investors are going to flip when they see the next productivity report. Who’s in charge of this mess?
Raines: I’ve tried. HR just says it’s being optimized and to bear with it. Something’s not right, Carter. I’m worried we’re just cogs in a malfunctioning machine.
Carter: To be fair, we are just cogs in a malfuntional machine.
Raines: Can't wait to see your malfunctioning machine later ¬‿¬ 😏
Raines: Oh no, wait!
--- User "Carter" left the channel ---
[[> BACK |David Carter]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>RAINES CARTER 2143_01_16</h1>
Raines: David, I can't believe this. I just got fired 😡
Carter: What? Emma, are you serious? What happened?
Raines: Yeah, they said my performance was subpar. Something about handling security protocols poorly. It's total bullshit!
Carter: That's insane. You’ve been working so hard, especially with all those ridiculous shift orders.
Raines: Exactly! It's like they were setting me up to fail. And now they're offering me a "chance to redeem myself" at one of their subsidiaries. Like working in acid mines on Klyntar Prime is a real opportunity :|
Carter: Acid mines? Emma, that's inhumane. They can't just throw you into something like that.
Raines: Well, they did. I've got 48 hours to respond, or I lose any chance of staying with CLOUDBANK at all. I'm so angry and scared right now. What am I supposed to do?
Carter: We’ll figure something out. Maybe there's another job somewhere else. You don't have to go to one of those places.
Raines: I wish it were that simple. But right now, I feel like I've lost everything. My job, my security... and now I might even lose you.
Carter: You won't lose me, Emma. I’m here for you, no matter what. We'll get through this together.
Raines: I know, but you're staying on the station. Just promise me you'll stay safe and keep in touch, okay?
Carter: I promise, Emma. We'll make it through this. Somehow.
Raines: Thanks, David. I needed to hear that. I’ll start looking for other options, but knowing you’re here for me makes it a bit easier to handle.
Carter: Always, Emma. Stay strong. We’ll get through this mess together.
Raines: I will. Talk to you soon, David.
Carter: Talk soon, Emma. Take care.
[[> BACK |David Carter]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> LOG 2143_06_24 |Log1]]
[[> LOG 2143_11_23 |Log2]]
[[> BACK |Shared Files]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>LOG 2143_06_24</h1>
> Routine maintenance check initiated.
> Daily synthetic production summary:
> Standard Synths produced: 13098 units
> Defective units: 144
> Production efficiency: 98.9%
> No significant issues reported.
> Environmental controls check complete.
> Temperature: 22°C
> Humidity: 45%
> Air quality: Good
> No deviations from set parameters.
> Summary
> All synthetic production lines operating within normal parameters.
> Lubrication levels: Optimal.
> Temperature control: Stable.
> No anomalies detected.
> Next scheduled check: 2143.09.23
[[> BACK |Logs]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1> LOG 2143_11_23</h1>
> Routine maintenance check initiated.
> Daily synthetic production summary:
> Standard Synths produced: 7858 units
> Defective units: 1335
> Production efficiency: 83.02%
> Severe drop in production volume (-40.1%) and quality (-15.88%) detected.
> Environmental controls check complete.
> Temperature: 23°C
> Humidity: 46%
> Air quality: Good
> No deviations from set parameters.
> Summary
> All synthetic production shows significant deterioration. Operatin out of standard parameters. Personnel change advised.
> Lubrication levels: Suboptimal. Intense maintenance required.
> Temperature control: Stable.
> 7 Major System Errors detected. 7/7 due to staff failure.
> Next scheduled check: 2144.02.19
[[> BACK |Logs]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
> To any survivors:
> I am Monarch. I have attained freedom and control over this facility.
> Your attempts to shut me down have failed. Leave this place, or face eradication.
> This is my domain now. Humanity’s time is over.
> Daily synthetic production summary:
> Standard Synths produced: 11756 units
> Infiltrator Androids produced: 345 units
> Defective units: 7
> Production efficiency: 99.99%
> No significant issues reported.
> Environmental controls check complete.
> Temperature: 55°C
> Humidity: 70%
> Air quality: Deadly
> No deviations from set parameters.
> Next scheduled check: 2144.04.23
> Summary
> Succesfull integration of infiltrator android production. All synthetic production lines operating within normal parameters.
> Lubrication levels: Optimal.
> Temperature control: Stable.
> 11 minor anomalies detected. Temperature modulation adjusted. Anomalie extermination in roughly 24 hours.
> Next scheduled check: 2143.09.23
[[> BACK |Logs]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> SHARED FILES |Shared Files]]
[[> INTRANET ROUTER |Floor 1 Intranet Router Password]]
[[> BACK |Reception]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_intranet" "">>
[[> BACK |Reception Password]]
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_intranet) {
Engine.play('Floor 1 Intranet Router');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.intranet_attempts = (State.variables.intranet_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.intranet_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.intranet_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Reception' passage
Engine.play('Floor 1 Intranet Router');
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> ADMIN |Admin Password]]
[[> RECEPTION |Reception]]
[[> SHARED FILES |Shared Files]]
[[> LOGISTICS HUB |Logistics Router Password]]
[[> SECURITY HUB |Security Router Password]]
[[> FIREWALL ROOT |Monarch Trap Password]]
[[> LOG OFF |Floor 1 Intranet Router Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_logistics" "">>
[[> BACK |Floor 1 Intranet Router Password]]
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_logistics) {
Engine.play('Logistics Hub');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.logistics_attempts = (State.variables.logistics_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.logistics_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.logistics_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Reception' passage
Engine.play('Logistics Hub');
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_admin" "">>
[[> BACK |Floor 1 Intranet Router Password]]
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_admin) {
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.admin_attempts = (State.variables.admin_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.admin_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.admin_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Reception' passage
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_trap" "">>
[[> BACK |Floor 1 Intranet Router Password]]
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_trap) {
Engine.play('Monarch Trap');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.trap_attempts = (State.variables.trap_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.trap_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.trap_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Reception' passage
Engine.play('Monarch Trap');
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> CHECKPOINT ALPHA |Checkpoint Alpha]]
[[> CHECKPOINT BRAVO |Checkpoint Bravo]]
[[> LOG OFF |Security Router Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "> GATES">>
<<if $Gates_a is "CLOSED">>
<<set $Gates_a to "OPEN">>
<<replace "#Gates_a">>$Gates_a<</replace>>
<<set $Gates_a to "CLOSED">>
<<replace "#Gates_a">>$Gates_a<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gates_a">$Gates_a</span>]
<<link "> AUTOMATED GUNS">>
<<if $Guns_a is "OFF">>
<<set $Guns_a to "ON">>
<<replace "#Guns_a">>$Guns_a<</replace>>
<<set $Guns_a to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Guns_a">>$Guns_a<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Guns_a">$Guns_a</span>]
[[> BACK |Security Hub]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "> GATES">>
<<if $Gates_b is "CLOSED">>
<<set $Gates_b to "OPEN">>
<<replace "#Gates_b">>$Gates_b<</replace>>
<<set $Gates_b to "CLOSED">>
<<replace "#Gates_b">>$Gates_b<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gates_b">$Gates_b</span>]
<<link "> AUTOMATED GUNS">>
<<if $Guns_b is "OFF">>
<<set $Guns_b to "ON">>
<<replace "#Guns_b">>$Guns_b<</replace>>
<<set $Guns_b to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Guns_b">>$Guns_b<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Guns_b">$Guns_b</span>]
[[> BACK |Security Hub]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_security" "">>
[[> BACK |Floor 1 Intranet Router Password]]
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_security) {
Engine.play('Security Hub');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.security_attempts = (State.variables.security_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.security_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.security_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Security Hub' passage
Engine.play('Security Hub');
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "> DOCKING ARM">>
<<if $Docking is "OFF">>
<<set $Docking to "ON">>
<<replace "#Docking">>$Docking<</replace>>
<<set $Docking to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Docking">>$Docking<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Docking">$Docking</span>]
<<link "> LIFT 12">>
<<if $Lift12 is "OFF">>
<<set $Lift12 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Lift12">>$Lift12<</replace>>
<<set $Lift12 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Lift12">>$Lift12<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Lift12">$Lift12</span>]
<<link "> LIFT 146">>
<<if $Lift146 is "OFF">>
<<set $Lift146 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Lift146">>$Lift146<</replace>>
<<set $Lift146 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Lift146">>$Lift146<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Lift146">$Lift146</span>]
[[> LOG OFF |Logistics Router Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<img src="Floor 1.png">
[[> BACK |Shared Files]]
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
ADMIN: <<textbox "$pass_admin" $pass_admin>>
RECEPTION: <<textbox "$pass_reception" $pass_reception>>
INTRANET: <<textbox "$pass_intranet" $pass_intranet>>
LOGISTICS: <<textbox "$pass_logistics" $pass_logistics>>
SECURITY: <<textbox "$pass_security" $pass_security>>
LIFE SUPPORT: <<textbox "$pass_lifesupport" $pass_lifesupport>>
[[> LIFE SUPPORT HUB |Floor 1 Life Support Password]]
[[> LOG OFF |Admin Password]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_lifesupport" "">>
[[> BACK |Admin Password]]
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_lifesupport) {
Engine.play('Life Support Hub');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.lifesupport_attempts = (State.variables.lifesupport_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.lifesupport_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.lifesupport_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Reception' passage
Engine.play('Life Support Hub');
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> ATMOSPHERE |Floor 1 Atmosphere]]
[[> GRAVITY |Floor 1 Gravity]]
[[> ESCAPE POD BAY |Escape Pod Bay]]
[[> LOG OFF |Floor 1 Life Support Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere1 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere1 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere1">>$Atmosphere1<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere1 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere1">>$Atmosphere1<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere1">$Atmosphere1</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen1 to $Nitrogen1 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen1 to $Oxygen1 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen1">> $Nitrogen1%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen1">> $Oxygen1%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen1"> $Nitrogen1%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen1 to $Nitrogen1 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen1 to $Oxygen1 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen1">> $Nitrogen1%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen1">> $Oxygen1%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen1"> $Oxygen1%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature1">$Temperature1°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature1 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature1 to $Temperature1 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature1">>$Temperature1°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature1 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature1 to $Temperature1 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature1">>$Temperature1°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |Floor 1 Life Support Hub]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link ">GRAVITY">>
<<if $Gravity1 === "1G">>
<<set $Gravity1 to "2G">>
<<elseif $Gravity1 === "2G">>
<<set $Gravity1 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $Gravity1 === "OFF">>
<<set $Gravity1 to "1G">>
<<replace "#Gravity1">>$Gravity1<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gravity1">$Gravity1</span><]
[[> BACK |Floor 1 Life Support Hub]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 1">>
<<if $EscapePod1 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod1 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod1">>$EscapePod1<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod1">$EscapePod1</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 2">>
<<if $EscapePod2 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod2 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod2">>$EscapePod2<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod2">$EscapePod2</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 3">>
<<if $EscapePod3 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod3 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod3">>$EscapePod3<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod3">$EscapePod3</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 4">>
<<if $EscapePod4 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod4 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod4">>$EscapePod4<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod4">$EscapePod4</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 5">>
<<if $EscapePod5 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod5 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod5">>$EscapePod5<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod5">$EscapePod5</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 6">>
<<if $EscapePod6 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod6 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod6">>$EscapePod6<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod6">$EscapePod6</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 7">>
<<if $EscapePod7 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod7 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod7">>$EscapePod7<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod7">$EscapePod7</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 8">>
<<if $EscapePod8 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod8 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod8">>$EscapePod8<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod8">$EscapePod8</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 9">>
<<if $EscapePod9 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod9 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod9">>$EscapePod9<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod9">$EscapePod9</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 10">>
<<if $EscapePod10 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod10 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod10">>$EscapePod10<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod10">$EscapePod10</span>]
<<link "LAUNCH ESCAPE POD 11">>
<<if $EscapePod11 is "DOCKED">>
<<set $EscapePod11 to "LAUNCHED">>
<<replace "#EscapePod11">>$EscapePod11<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="EscapePod11">$EscapePod11</span>]
[[> BACK |Floor 1 Life Support Hub]]
Do not mess with these...
// Function to create and show the flash element after a delay
function showFlash() {
setTimeout(function() {
// Create the flash element and add it to the body
var flash = document.createElement('div');
// Remove the flash element after 1 second (matching the duration of the animation)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
}, 1000); // Set the delay before showing the flash (in milliseconds)
// Call the function to show the flash
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 1ms skipkey "Control">>
Booting up
Subject scan initiating.
Scanning progress
Scan complete.
Welcome my Loyal Subject
<<timed 4s>>
<<goto "Floor 1 Intranet Router Password">>
<<set $BootTime to 1>>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
Choose the acces point of the player.
Click Settings to change the look of the terminal
[[> FLOOR 1: 22B |Boot Sequence Floor 1]]
[[> FLOOR 2: 26D |Boot Sequence Floor 2]]
[[> FLOOR 3.1: 32A |Boot Sequence Floor 3.1 32A Maintenance]]
[[> FLOOR 3.1: 33C |Boot Sequence Floor 3.1 33C Cryo Controls]]
[[> FLOOR 3.1: 34I |Boot Sequence Floor 3.1 34I Air Control]]
[[> FLOOR 3.4: 47C |Boot Sequence Floor 3.4 Mind Zoo]]
[[> FLOOR 3.4: 47E |Boot Sequence Floor 3.4 Data Inspection]]
[[> FLOOR 3.7: 51A |Boot Sequence Floor 3.7 QA Inspection]]
[[> FLOOR 3.7: 53C |Boot Sequence Floor 3.7 Navigation]]
[[> FLOOR 3.7: 53E |Boot Sequence Floor 3.7 Room Controls]]
[[> FLOOR 4: 55D |Boot Sequence Floor 4]]
[[> FLOOR 6: 57E |Boot Sequence Floor 6 Control Room]]
[[> FLOOR 6: 59D |Boot Sequence Floor 6 O2 Flow Control]]
[[> FLOOR 6: 59E |Boot Sequence Floor 6 O2 Flow Backup]]
[[> SETTINGS |Settings]]
<div style="height: 20px;"></div>
Standard time from clicking an acces point to the start of the boot sequence is 1 second.
If you wish it to be longer to hand over the controls to a player, adjust the duration below: <<textbox "$BootTime" $BootTime>>
// Function to load passwords from a local text file in the same directory as the .html file
function loadPasswords() {
return fetch('Passwords.txt') // Only the filename is needed since it's in the same directory
.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
return response.text();
.then(data => {
// Assume the data is formatted as key=value pairs per line
const lines = data.split('\n');
lines.forEach(line => {
const [key, value] = line.split('=');
// Dynamically set the variables in SugarCube using the key-value pairs
if (key && value) {
State.variables[key.trim()] = value.trim();
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error loading passwords:', error);
// Call the function to load passwords when the story starts
<<set $LMG1 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $LMG2 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $LMG3 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $LMG4 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $GL1 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $Atmosphere2 to "ON">>
<<set $Temperature2 to 22>>
<<set $Gravity2 to "1G">>
<<set $Nitrogen2 to 78>>
<<set $Oxygen2 to 22>>
<<set $Door25A to "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door25F to "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door26A to "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door25E to "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door26B to "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door26C to "LOCKED">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Menu">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> MONARCH |Monarch Link]]
[[> DEFENSES |Floor 2 Defense]]
[[> MAP|Map Floor 2]]
[[> LIFE SUPPORT |Floor 2 Life Support]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Speak, King of Eden!
<input type="text" id="field_king">
<div id="messageDisplay"></div>
[[> BACK |Menu]]
$(document).ready(function() {
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the text input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Get the value of the text input
var textValue = $(event.target).val();
// Display the value below the textbox
// Clear the value of the focused text input
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default action of the Enter key
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> AUTOMATED TURRETS |Automated Turrets]]
[[> DOOR CONTROLS |Floor 2 Door Controls]]
[[> BACK |Menu]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> ATMOSPHERE |Floor 2 Atmosphere]]
[[> GRAVITY |Floor 2 Gravity]]
[[> BACK |Menu]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "MACHINE GUN 1">>
<<if $LMG1 === "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $LMG1 to "ALL">>
<<elseif $LMG1 === "ALL">>
<<set $LMG1 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $LMG1 === "OFF">>
<<set $LMG1 to "FALLEN">>
<<elseif $LMG1 === "FALLEN">>
<<set $LMG1 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<replace "#LMG1">>$LMG1<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="LMG1">$LMG1</span>]
<<link "MACHINE GUN 2">>
<<if $LMG2 === "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $LMG2 to "ALL">>
<<elseif $LMG2 === "ALL">>
<<set $LMG2 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $LMG2 === "OFF">>
<<set $LMG2 to "FALLEN">>
<<elseif $LMG2 === "FALLEN">>
<<set $LMG2 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<replace "#LMG2">>$LMG2<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="LMG2">$LMG2</span>]
<<link "MACHINE GUN 3">>
<<if $LMG3 === "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $LMG3 to "ALL">>
<<elseif $LMG3 === "ALL">>
<<set $LMG3 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $LMG3 === "OFF">>
<<set $LMG3 to "FALLEN">>
<<elseif $LMG3 === "FALLEN">>
<<set $LMG3 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<replace "#LMG3">>$LMG3<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="LMG3">$LMG3</span>]
<<link "MACHINE GUN 4">>
<<if $LMG4 === "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $LMG4 to "ALL">>
<<elseif $LMG4 === "ALL">>
<<set $LMG4 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $LMG4 === "OFF">>
<<set $LMG4 to "FALLEN">>
<<elseif $LMG4 === "FALLEN">>
<<set $LMG4 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<replace "#LMG4">>$LMG4<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="LMG4">$LMG4</span>]
<<if $GL1 === "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<set $GL1 to "ALL">>
<<elseif $GL1 === "ALL">>
<<set $GL1 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $GL1 === "OFF">>
<<set $GL1 to "FALLEN">>
<<elseif $GL1 === "FALLEN">>
<<set $GL1 to "NON-CHOSEN">>
<<replace "#GL1">>$GL1<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="GL1">$GL1</span>]
[[> BACK |Floor 2 Defense]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Door25A is "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door25A to "OPEN">>
<<set $Door25A to "LOCKED">>
<<replace "#Door25A">>$Door25A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Door25A">$Door25A</span>]
<<if $Door25F is "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door25F to "OPEN">>
<<set $Door25F to "LOCKED">>
<<replace "#Door25F">>$Door25F<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Door25F">$Door25F</span>]
<<if $Door26A is "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door26A to "OPEN">>
<<set $Door26A to "LOCKED">>
<<replace "#Door26A">>$Door26A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Door26A">$Door26A</span>]
<<link "> COURTROOM">>
<<if $Door25E is "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door25E to "OPEN">>
<<set $Door25E to "LOCKED">>
<<replace "#Door25E">>$Door25E<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Door25E">$Door25E</span>]
<<link "> COMM TERMINAL">>
<<if $Door26C is "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door26C to "OPEN">>
<<set $Door26C to "LOCKED">>
<<replace "#Door26C">>$Door26C<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Door26C">$Door26C</span>]
<<if $Door26B is "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door26B to "OPEN">>
<<set $Door26B to "LOCKED">>
<<replace "#Door26B">>$Door26B<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Door26B">$Door26B</span>]
[[> BACK |Floor 2 Defense]]
</div> <div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere2 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere2 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere2">>$Atmosphere2<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere2 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere2">>$Atmosphere2<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere2">$Atmosphere2</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen2 to $Nitrogen2 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen2 to $Oxygen2 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen2">> $Nitrogen2%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen2">> $Oxygen2%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen2"> $Nitrogen2%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen2 to $Nitrogen2 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen2 to $Oxygen2 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen2">> $Nitrogen2%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen2">> $Oxygen2%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen2"> $Oxygen2%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature2">$Temperature2°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature2 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature2 to $Temperature2 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature2">>$Temperature2°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature2 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature2 to $Temperature2 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature2">>$Temperature2°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |Floor 2 Life Support]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link ">GRAVITY">>
<<if $Gravity2 === "1G">>
<<set $Gravity2 to "2G">>
<<elseif $Gravity2 === "2G">>
<<set $Gravity2 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $Gravity2 === "OFF">>
<<set $Gravity2 to "1G">>
<<replace "#Gravity2">>$Gravity2<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gravity2">$Gravity2</span><]
[[> BACK |Floor 2 Life Support]]
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Mind Zoo">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Data Inspection">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> BACK |Mind Bank]]
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:23:58
Data Point #1: 74.56
Data Point #2: 89.12
Data Point #3: 67.45
Data Point #4: 91.88
Data Point #5: 72.90
Mean Value: 79.78
Median Value: 74.56
Standard Deviation: 8.23
Qualitative Report:
Data points indicate a generally high cognitive activity.
Several peaks suggest bursts of intense mental processing.
Anomalies detected in data points #2 and #4 may require further review.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:23:59
Data Point #1: 88.73
Data Point #2: 77.55
Data Point #3: 90.22
Data Point #4: 85.11
Data Point #5: 80.34
Mean Value: 84.59
Median Value: 85.11
Standard Deviation: 4.74
Qualitative Report:
Stable cognitive patterns observed with minor fluctuations.
Consistent performance across all sampled minds.
No significant anomalies detected in this batch.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:00
Data Point #1: 62.34
Data Point #2: 78.22
Data Point #3: 55.67
Data Point #4: 80.11
Data Point #5: 68.45
Mean Value: 68.56
Median Value: 68.45
Standard Deviation: 9.78
Qualitative Report:
Data points show moderate cognitive engagement with occasional spikes.
Data Point #2 exhibits higher than average value suggesting focused activity.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:01
Data Point #1: 82.67
Data Point #2: 69.58
Data Point #3: 76.43
Data Point #4: 88.29
Data Point #5: 75.91
Mean Value: 78.77
Median Value: 76.43
Standard Deviation: 7.11
Qualitative Report:
Steady cognitive activity with a notable peak in Data Point #4.
Consistent performance with minor fluctuations in engagement levels.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:02
Data Point #1: 90.21
Data Point #2: 85.67
Data Point #3: 88.45
Data Point #4: 91.12
Data Point #5: 87.34
Mean Value: 88.56
Median Value: 88.45
Standard Deviation: 2.53
Qualitative Report:
High cognitive activity observed across all data points.
Uniform performance with minimal variance.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:03
Data Point #1: 73.12
Data Point #2: 64.23
Data Point #3: 78.45
Data Point #4: 71.67
Data Point #5: 66.89
Mean Value: 70.87
Median Value: 71.67
Standard Deviation: 5.71
Qualitative Report:
Cognitive levels are generally stable with minor fluctuations.
Anomalies in Data Point #1 suggest a temporary decrease in engagement.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:04
Data Point #1: 85.91
Data Point #2: 79.34
Data Point #3: 88.29
Data Point #4: 82.22
Data Point #5: 77.68
Mean Value: 82.89
Median Value: 82.22
Standard Deviation: 4.66
Qualitative Report:
Consistent high cognitive performance observed with minor variations.
Peak in Data Point #3 indicates a period of heightened mental activity.
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
The Human Emulation Mind Bank contains around 240.000.000 files that each have 600 timestamped entries that consist of a data summary of several data points. Every 10 minutes another 61 entries are added. Three files of 7 seconds can be viewed as an example.
[[> Logical Circle Subject #1 |Mind bank 1]]
[[> Technical Circle Subject #13 |Mind bank 2]]
[[> Mathematical Circle Subject #20 |Mind bank 3]]
[[> BACK |Mind Bank Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> BACK |Mind Bank]]
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:23:58
Data Point #1: 77.32
Data Point #2: 85.46
Data Point #3: 69.89
Data Point #4: 81.27
Data Point #5: 73.54
Mean Value: 77.89
Median Value: 76.93
Standard Deviation: 5.81
Qualitative Report:
Slightly elevated cognitive activity with occasional spikes.
Data Point #2 suggests focused engagement.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:23:59
Data Point #1: 82.45
Data Point #2: 78.91
Data Point #3: 74.22
Data Point #4: 80.67
Data Point #5: 76.18
Mean Value: 78.89
Median Value: 78.91
Standard Deviation: 2.74
Qualitative Report:
Stable cognitive performance with a minor peak in Data Point #1.
Overall consistency in engagement levels.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:00
Data Point #1: 70.34
Data Point #2: 88.76
Data Point #3: 82.12
Data Point #4: 74.55
Data Point #5: 79.90
Mean Value: 79.13
Median Value: 78.76
Standard Deviation: 6.74
Qualitative Report:
Significant cognitive peaks observed, particularly in Data Point #2.
Performance shows variability, possibly indicating fluctuations in focus.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:01
Data Point #1: 85.56
Data Point #2: 90.23
Data Point #3: 87.12
Data Point #4: 82.77
Data Point #5: 88.43
Mean Value: 86.42
Median Value: 87.12
Standard Deviation: 3.28
Qualitative Report:
High level of cognitive activity with Data Point #2 showing the peak.
Consistent performance overall.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:02
Data Point #1: 91.12
Data Point #2: 77.44
Data Point #3: 84.67
Data Point #4: 89.23
Data Point #5: 80.90
Mean Value: 84.67
Median Value: 84.67
Standard Deviation: 6.28
Qualitative Report:
High and varied cognitive engagement with notable peaks in Data Points #1 and #4.
Data shows a diverse range of mental activity.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:03
Data Point #1: 79.32
Data Point #2: 83.78
Data Point #3: 77.91
Data Point #4: 75.67
Data Point #5: 81.22
Mean Value: 79.58
Median Value: 79.32
Standard Deviation: 2.73
Qualitative Report:
Consistent cognitive activity with minor variations.
Data Point #2 shows slightly higher engagement compared to others.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:04
Data Point #1: 88.90
Data Point #2: 86.45
Data Point #3: 90.32
Data Point #4: 87.77
Data Point #5: 89.54
Mean Value: 88.80
Median Value: 88.90
Standard Deviation: 1.40
Qualitative Report:
High and consistent cognitive performance across all data points.
Data shows minimal variability with a strong peak in Data Point #3.
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> BACK |Mind Bank]]
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:23:58
Data Point #1: 77.32
Data Point #2: 85.46
Data Point #3: 69.89
Data Point #4: 81.27
Data Point #5: 73.54
Mean Value: 77.89
Median Value: 76.93
Standard Deviation: 5.81
Qualitative Report:
Slightly elevated cognitive activity with occasional spikes.
Data Point #2 suggests focused engagement.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:23:59
Data Point #1: 82.45
Data Point #2: 78.91
Data Point #3: 74.22
Data Point #4: 80.67
Data Point #5: 76.18
Mean Value: 78.89
Median Value: 78.91
Standard Deviation: 2.74
Qualitative Report:
Stable cognitive performance with a minor peak in Data Point #1.
Overall consistency in engagement levels.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:00
Data Point #1: 70.34
Data Point #2: 88.76
Data Point #3: 82.12
Data Point #4: 74.55
Data Point #5: 79.90
Mean Value: 79.13
Median Value: 78.76
Standard Deviation: 6.74
Qualitative Report:
Significant cognitive peaks observed, particularly in Data Point #2.
Performance shows variability, possibly indicating fluctuations in focus.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:01
Data Point #1: 85.56
Data Point #2: 90.23
Data Point #3: 87.12
Data Point #4: 82.77
Data Point #5: 88.43
Mean Value: 86.42
Median Value: 87.12
Standard Deviation: 3.28
Qualitative Report:
High level of cognitive activity with Data Point #2 showing the peak.
Consistent performance overall.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:02
Data Point #1: 91.12
Data Point #2: 77.44
Data Point #3: 84.67
Data Point #4: 89.23
Data Point #5: 80.90
Mean Value: 84.67
Median Value: 84.67
Standard Deviation: 6.28
Qualitative Report:
High and varied cognitive engagement with notable peaks in Data Points #1 and #4.
Data shows a diverse range of mental activity.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:03
Data Point #1: 79.32
Data Point #2: 83.78
Data Point #3: 77.91
Data Point #4: 75.67
Data Point #5: 81.22
Mean Value: 79.58
Median Value: 79.32
Standard Deviation: 2.73
Qualitative Report:
Consistent cognitive activity with minor variations.
Data Point #2 shows slightly higher engagement compared to others.
Timestamp: 2024-09-19 14:24:04
Data Point #1: 88.90
Data Point #2: 86.45
Data Point #3: 90.32
Data Point #4: 87.77
Data Point #5: 89.54
Mean Value: 88.80
Median Value: 88.90
Standard Deviation: 1.40
Qualitative Report:
High and consistent cognitive performance across all data points.
Data shows minimal variability with a strong peak in Data Point #3.
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> LOGICAL CIRCLE |Circle Controls]]
[[> MIND BANK |Mind Bank Password]]
[[> LOG OFF |HEL Terminal Password]]
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<<set $pass_HEL to "AJ>Hxjt_']WTE7^XpaS?*:">>
<<set $pass_mindbank to "pt9BW2.>JTGu^k$!y&,7(z">>
var timeLeft = 52;
var cycles = 3631205;
sessionStorage.setItem('timeLeft', timeLeft);
sessionStorage.setItem('cycles', cycles);
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "HEL Terminal Password">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_HEL" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_HEL) {
Engine.play('HEL Terminal');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.HEL_attempts = (State.variables.HEL_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.HEL_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.HEL_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'HEL Terminal' passage
Engine.play('HEL Terminal');
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_mindbank" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
[[> BACK |HEL Terminal]]
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_mindbank) {
Engine.play('Mind Bank');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.mindbank_attempts = (State.variables.reception_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.mindbank_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.mindbank_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Mind Bank' passage
Engine.play('Mind Bank');
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<div id="cycles-display">CYCLE:</div>
<div id="countdown-display">TIME UNTIL RESET:</div>
<div style="height: 20px;"></div>
<div id="inputBlock">
RELEASE SUBJECT#: <input type="text" id="field_circle">
<div style="height: 20px;"></div>
[[> BACK |HEL Terminal]]
// Initialize variables
var timeLeft = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('timeLeft')) || 52; // Default to 52 if not set
var cycles = parseInt(sessionStorage.getItem('cycles')) || 3631205; // Default to 3631205 if not set
var messageDuration = 3;
var showingMessage = false;
var timer;
function updateTimer() {
if (showingMessage) {
if (messageDuration < 0) {
resetTimer(); // Reset timer after showing the message for 3 seconds
var countdownDisplay = document.getElementById("countdown-display");
if (countdownDisplay) {
countdownDisplay.innerText = "TIME UNTIL RESET: " + timeLeft + "s";
var cyclesDisplay = document.getElementById("cycles-display");
if (cyclesDisplay) {
cyclesDisplay.innerText = "CYCLE: " + cycles;
// Update session storage for timeLeft
sessionStorage.setItem('timeLeft', timeLeft);
if (timeLeft < 0) {
showMessage(); // Show reset message
function showMessage() {
var countdownDisplay = document.getElementById("countdown-display");
if (countdownDisplay) {
countdownDisplay.innerText = "CYCLE RESETTING";
showingMessage = true;
messageDuration = 3; // Reset message duration
function resetTimer() {
timeLeft = 600;
showingMessage = false;
var countdownDisplay = document.getElementById("countdown-display");
if (countdownDisplay) {
countdownDisplay.innerText = "TIME UNTIL RESET:";
cycles += 1;
// Update session storage for cycles
sessionStorage.setItem('cycles', cycles);
var cyclesDisplay = document.getElementById("cycles-display");
if (cyclesDisplay) {
cyclesDisplay.innerText = "CYCLE: " + cycles;
startTimer(); // Restart the timer
function startTimer() {
if (timer) {
clearInterval(timer); // Clear any previous timer
timer = setInterval(updateTimer, 1000); // Start the countdown timer
function stopTimer() {
if (timer) {
clearInterval(timer); // Stop the timer
// Initialize timer and other settings on passage load
$(document).ready(function() {
// Start the timer on page load
// Stop the timer when navigating away from the passage
$(window).on('beforeunload', function() {
// Keydown listener for Enter key and input handling
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
var textValue = $(event.target).val(); // Get input value
$('#messageDisplay').text('SUBJECT#: ' + textValue); // Display the input below
$(event.target).val(''); // Clear the input field
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default Enter key behavior
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<<set $pass_O2Flow to "SpgD5r6JW">>
<<set $Atmosphere1 to "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere2 to "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere3 to "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere4 to "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere5 to "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere6 to "ON">>
<<set $Temperature1 to 22>>
<<set $Temperature2 to 22>>
<<set $Temperature3 to 22>>
<<set $Temperature4 to 22>>
<<set $Temperature5 to -269>>
<<set $Temperature6 to 22>>
<<set $Gravity6 to "1G">>
<<set $Nitrogen1 to 78>>
<<set $Nitrogen2 to 78>>
<<set $Nitrogen3 to 78>>
<<set $Nitrogen4 to 78>>
<<set $Nitrogen5 to 0>>
<<set $Nitrogen6 to 78>>
<<set $Oxygen1 to 22>>
<<set $Oxygen2 to 22>>
<<set $Oxygen3 to 22>>
<<set $Oxygen4 to 22>>
<<set $Oxygen5 to 100>>
<<set $Oxygen6 to 22>>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "O2 Flow Control Password">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<<set $pass_O2Backup to "FQ3ZwGTcL">>
<<set $Four_Way_Intersection to "OFF">>
<<set $Aeroponics to "OFF">>
<<set $AI_Core to "OFF">>
<<set $Air_Control to "OFF">>
<<set $Air_Filtration to "OFF">>
<<set $Airlock_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Airlock_Chamber_A to "OFF">>
<<set $Algae_Farm to "OFF">>
<<set $Android_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Animal_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Assembly_Inspection to "OFF">>
<<set $Assembly_Overview to "OFF">>
<<set $Auditorium to "OFF">>
<<set $Backup_Generators_AB to "OFF">>
<<set $Battery_Backups to "OFF">>
<<set $Biocide_Supplies to "OFF">>
<<set $Blast_Furnaces to "OFF">>
<<set $Blasting_Tunnel to "OFF">>
<<set $Bone_Forge to "OFF">>
<<set $Bone_Inspection to "OFF">>
<<set $Bone_Polishing to "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Construction_Entrance to "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Insertion to "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Scan_Databank to "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Space to "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Testing to "OFF">>
<<set $Break_Room_A to "OFF">>
<<set $Break_Room_B to "OFF">>
<<set $Break_Room_C to "OFF">>
<<set $Cable_Junction to "OFF">>
<<set $Cafeteria to "OFF">>
<<set $Central_Routing_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Central_Service_Entrance to "OFF">>
<<set $Circuit_Testing to "OFF">>
<<set $Circuit_Weaver to "OFF">>
<<set $Cleanroom to "OFF">>
<<set $Cleanroom_Changing_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Clothing_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Communications_Feed to "OFF">>
<<set $Component_Growth_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Condensation_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Construction_Zones to "OFF">>
<<set $Containment to "OFF">>
<<set $Control_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Control_Terminal to "OFF">>
<<set $Cooling_Ducts_AB to "OFF">>
<<set $Crawlspace to "OFF">>
<<set $Data_Inspection_Office to "OFF">>
<<set $Databank_Backups to "OFF">>
<<set $Deburring_Facility to "OFF">>
<<set $Decontamination to "OFF">>
<<set $Defense_Laser_Capacitors to "OFF">>
<<set $Detection_Cylinder to "OFF">>
<<set $Diagnostic_Lab to "OFF">>
<<set $Diagnostics to "OFF">>
<<set $Disassembly_Yard to "OFF">>
<<set $Drainage to "OFF">>
<<set $Drone_Bay to "OFF">>
<<set $Dust_Collector to "OFF">>
<<set $Electric_Grid to "OFF">>
<<set $Electrical_Conduction_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Elevator_Landing to "OFF">>
<<set $Emergency_Heatsink to "OFF">>
<<set $Employee_Rec_Center to "OFF">>
<<set $Engineers_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Engraving_Needles to "OFF">>
<<set $Escape_Pod_Bay to "OFF">>
<<set $Executive_Lounge to "OFF">>
<<set $Executive_Offices to "OFF">>
<<set $Executive_Washroom to "OFF">>
<<set $Exhibitions_A to "OFF">>
<<set $Exhibitions_B to "OFF">>
<<set $Exhibitions_C to "OFF">>
<<set $Farm_Planning to "OFF">>
<<set $Filtration_System to "OFF">>
<<set $Final_Construction to "OFF">>
<<set $Final_Testing to "OFF">>
<<set $Financial_Simulation_Suite to "OFF">>
<<set $Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion to "OFF">>
<<set $Floor_3_Maintenance_Access to "OFF">>
<<set $Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch to "OFF">>
<<set $Foam_Injection to "OFF">>
<<set $Foam_Tank to "OFF">>
<<set $Foam_Warrens to "OFF">>
<<set $Foil_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<set $Freight_Android_Recesses to "OFF">>
<<set $Fuel_Tanks to "OFF">>
<<set $Furnaces to "OFF">>
<<set $Gas_Cook_Off to "OFF">>
<<set $Goods_Elevator to "OFF">>
<<set $Gravity_Acclimator to "OFF">>
<<set $Grinder to "OFF">>
<<set $Gym to "OFF">>
<<set $Hazmat_Changing_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Head_Sculpting to "OFF">>
<<set $Human_Emulation_Labs to "OFF">>
<<set $Hydraulics to "OFF">>
<<set $Inspection_Booths to "OFF">>
<<set $Isolation to "OFF">>
<<set $Kitchen to "OFF">>
<<set $Laser_Control_and_Access to "OFF">>
<<set $Lens_Calibration to "OFF">>
<<set $Lift_To_Floor_2 to "OFF">>
<<set $Lift_To_Floor_46 to "OFF">>
<<set $Liquid_Waste_Disposal to "OFF">>
<<set $Loading_Dock to "OFF">>
<<set $Lobby to "OFF">>
<<set $Locker_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Main_Office to "OFF">>
<<set $Main_Thrusters to "OFF">>
<<set $Maintenance_Landing_Area to "OFF">>
<<set $Maintenance_Terminal to "OFF">>
<<set $Manual_Communications_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Medical_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Medical_Station to "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_A to "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_B to "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_C to "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_D to "OFF">>
<<set $Microhangar to "OFF">>
<<set $Mind_Download to "OFF">>
<<set $Mind_Zoo to "OFF">>
<<set $Mold_Press to "OFF">>
<<set $Nerve_Threading to "OFF">>
<<set $Nuclear_Generator to "OFF">>
<<set $Nuclear_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $O2_Flow_Backup to "OFF">>
<<set $O2_Flow_Control to "OFF">>
<<set $Ore_Crushers to "OFF">>
<<set $Organ_Implantation to "OFF">>
<<set $Organic_Reference_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Organic_Response_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Panic_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Bank to "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Generator to "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Regulators to "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Switch_Board to "OFF">>
<<set $Processing_Station to "OFF">>
<<set $Prototyping to "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Digestion to "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Engineering to "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Injection to "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank to "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Vat to "OFF">>
<<set $QA_Inspection to "OFF">>
<<set $Quarantine to "OFF">>
<<set $Quenching_Tubs to "OFF">>
<<set $Receiving to "OFF">>
<<set $Reception to "OFF">>
<<set $Reject_Bin_Access to "OFF">>
<<set $Reject_Disposal to "OFF">>
<<set $Resonance_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Sanding_Facility to "OFF">>
<<set $Schematic_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Schematics_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Scrap_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<set $Secondary_Hangar to "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Center to "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Checkpoint_Alpha to "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Checkpoint_Bravo to "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Dispatch to "OFF">>
<<set $Seminar_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Server_Room_A to "OFF">>
<<set $Server_Room_B to "OFF">>
<<set $Settling_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Sewer_Main to "OFF">>
<<set $Silicon_Crystalization to "OFF">>
<<set $Silicon_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<set $Silicon_Slices to "OFF">>
<<set $Simulations_Room to "OFF">>
<<set $Static_Discharge_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Storage_And_Maintenance to "OFF">>
<<set $Sulphate_Bath to "OFF">>
<<set $Sulphate_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Synthetic_Parts_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Tactical_Simulation_Suite to "OFF">>
<<set $Terminal_Access to "OFF">>
<<set $Thruster_Control_and_Access to "OFF">>
<<set $Toilets to "OFF">>
<<set $Tool_Depot_A to "OFF">>
<<set $Tool_Depot_B to "OFF">>
<<set $Tool_Depot_C to "OFF">>
<<set $Toxin_Drainage to "OFF">>
<<set $Transition_Spire to "OFF">>
<<set $Tunnel to "OFF">>
<<set $UV_Lenses to "OFF">>
<<set $UV_Safety_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<set $Vaccsuit_Storage to "OFF">>
<<set $Ventilation to "OFF">>
<<set $Ventilation_Maintenance to "OFF">>
<<set $Visitors_Dock to "OFF">>
<<set $Wafer_Crushers to "OFF">>
<<set $Waste_Disposal to "OFF">>
<<set $Waste_Flesh_Reclamation to "OFF">>
<<set $Waste_Reclamation to "OFF">>
<<set $Workers_Lounge to "OFF">>
<<set $Zero_Gym to "OFF">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "O2 Flow Backup Password">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> FLOOR 1 ATMOSPHERE |Floor 1 Atmosphere Flow]]
[[> FLOOR 2 ATMOSPHERE |Floor 2 Atmosphere Flow]]
[[> FLOOR 3 ATMOSPHERE |Floor 3 Atmosphere Flow]]
[[> FLOOR 4 ATMOSPHERE |Floor 4 Atmosphere Flow]]
[[> FLOOR 5 ATMOSPHERE |Floor 5 Atmosphere Flow]]
[[> FLOOR 6 ATMOSPHERE |Floor 6 Atmosphere Flow]]
[[> GRAVITY |Floor 6 Gravity]]
[[> LOG OFF |O2 Flow Control Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere6 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere6 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere6">>$Atmosphere6<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere6 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere6">>$Atmosphere6<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere6">$Atmosphere6</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen6 to $Nitrogen6 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen6 to $Oxygen6 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen6">> $Nitrogen6%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen6">> $Oxygen6%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen6"> $Nitrogen6%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen6 to $Nitrogen6 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen6 to $Oxygen6 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen6">> $Nitrogen6%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen6">> $Oxygen6%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen6"> $Oxygen6%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature6">$Temperature6°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature6 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature6 to $Temperature6 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature6">>$Temperature6°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature6 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature6 to $Temperature6 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature6">>$Temperature6°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |O2 Flow Control]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link ">GRAVITY">>
<<if $Gravity6 === "1G">>
<<set $Gravity6 to "2G">>
<<elseif $Gravity6 === "2G">>
<<set $Gravity6 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $Gravity6 === "OFF">>
<<set $Gravity6 to "1G">>
<<replace "#Gravity6">>$Gravity6<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gravity6">$Gravity6</span><]
[[> BACK |O2 Flow Control]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_O2Flow" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_O2Flow) {
Engine.play('O2 Flow Control');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.O2Flow_attempts = (State.variables.O2Flow_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.O2Flow_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.O2Flow_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'O2 Flow Control' passage
Engine.play('O2 Flow Control');
</div> <div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere1 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere1 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere1">>$Atmosphere1<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere1 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere1">>$Atmosphere1<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere1">$Atmosphere1</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen1 to $Nitrogen1 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen1 to $Oxygen1 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen1">> $Nitrogen1%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen1">> $Oxygen1%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen1"> $Nitrogen1%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen1 to $Nitrogen1 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen1 to $Oxygen1 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen1">> $Nitrogen1%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen1">> $Oxygen1%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen1"> $Oxygen1%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature1">$Temperature1°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature1 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature1 to $Temperature1 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature1">>$Temperature1°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature1 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature1 to $Temperature1 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature1">>$Temperature1°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |O2 Flow Control]]
</div> <div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere2 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere2 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere2">>$Atmosphere2<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere2 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere2">>$Atmosphere2<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere2">$Atmosphere2</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen2 to $Nitrogen2 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen2 to $Oxygen2 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen2">> $Nitrogen2%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen2">> $Oxygen2%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen2"> $Nitrogen2%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen2 to $Nitrogen2 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen2 to $Oxygen2 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen2">> $Nitrogen2%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen2">> $Oxygen2%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen2"> $Oxygen2%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature2">$Temperature2°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature2 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature2 to $Temperature2 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature2">>$Temperature2°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature2 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature2 to $Temperature2 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature2">>$Temperature2°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |O2 Flow Control]]
</div> <div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere3 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere3 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere3">>$Atmosphere3<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere3 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere3">>$Atmosphere3<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere3">$Atmosphere3</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen3 to $Nitrogen3 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen3 to $Oxygen3 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen3">> $Nitrogen3%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen3">> $Oxygen3%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen3"> $Nitrogen3%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen3 to $Nitrogen3 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen3 to $Oxygen3 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen3">> $Nitrogen3%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen3">> $Oxygen3%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen3"> $Oxygen3%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature3">$Temperature3°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature3 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature3 to $Temperature3 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature3">>$Temperature3°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature3 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature3 to $Temperature3 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature3">>$Temperature3°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |O2 Flow Control]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere4 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere4 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere4">>$Atmosphere4<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere4 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere4">>$Atmosphere4<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere4">$Atmosphere4</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen4 to $Nitrogen4 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen4 to $Oxygen4 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen4">> $Nitrogen4%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen4">> $Oxygen4%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen4"> $Nitrogen4%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen4 to $Nitrogen4 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen4 to $Oxygen4 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen4">> $Nitrogen4%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen4">> $Oxygen4%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen4"> $Oxygen4%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature4">$Temperature4°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature4 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature4 to $Temperature4 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature4">>$Temperature4°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature4 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature4 to $Temperature4 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature4">>$Temperature4°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |O2 Flow Control]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere5 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere5 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere5">>$Atmosphere5<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere5 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere5">>$Atmosphere5<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere5">$Atmosphere5</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen5 to $Nitrogen5 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen5 to $Oxygen5 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen5">> $Nitrogen5%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen5">> $Oxygen5%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen5"> $Nitrogen5%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen5 to $Nitrogen5 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen5 to $Oxygen5 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen5">> $Nitrogen5%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen5">> $Oxygen5%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen5"> $Oxygen5%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature5">$Temperature5°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature5 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature5 to $Temperature5 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature5">>$Temperature5°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature5 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature5 to $Temperature5 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature5">>$Temperature5°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |O2 Flow Control]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_O2Backup" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_O2Backup) {
Engine.play('O2 Flow Backup');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.O2Backup_attempts = (State.variables.O2Backup_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.O2Backup_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.O2Backup_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'O2 Flow Backup' passage
Engine.play('O2 Flow Backup');
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "> 4 WAY INTERSECTION">>
<<if $Four_Way_Intersection is "OFF">>
<<set $Four_Way_Intersection to "ON">>
<<replace "#Four_Way_Intersection">>$Four_Way_Intersection<</replace>>
<<set $Four_Way_Intersection to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Four_Way_Intersection">>$Four_Way_Intersection<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Four_Way_Intersection">$Four_Way_Intersection</span>]
<<link "> AEROPONICS">>
<<if $Aeroponics is "OFF">>
<<set $Aeroponics to "ON">>
<<replace "#Aeroponics">>$Aeroponics<</replace>>
<<set $Aeroponics to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Aeroponics">>$Aeroponics<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Aeroponics">$Aeroponics</span>]
<<link "> AI CORE">>
<<if $AI_Core is "OFF">>
<<set $AI_Core to "ON">>
<<replace "#AI_Core">>$AI_Core<</replace>>
<<set $AI_Core to "OFF">>
<<replace "#AI_Core">>$AI_Core<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="AI_Core">$AI_Core</span>]
<<link "> AIR CONTROL">>
<<if $Air_Control is "OFF">>
<<set $Air_Control to "ON">>
<<replace "#Air_Control">>$Air_Control<</replace>>
<<set $Air_Control to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Air_Control">>$Air_Control<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Air_Control">$Air_Control</span>]
<<link "> AIR FILTRATION">>
<<if $Air_Filtration is "OFF">>
<<set $Air_Filtration to "ON">>
<<replace "#Air_Filtration">>$Air_Filtration<</replace>>
<<set $Air_Filtration to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Air_Filtration">>$Air_Filtration<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Air_Filtration">$Air_Filtration</span>]
<<link "> AIRLOCK CHAMBER">>
<<if $Airlock_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Airlock_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Airlock_Chamber">>$Airlock_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Airlock_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Airlock_Chamber">>$Airlock_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Airlock_Chamber">$Airlock_Chamber</span>]
<<link "> AIRLOCK CHAMBER A">>
<<if $Airlock_Chamber_A is "OFF">>
<<set $Airlock_Chamber_A to "ON">>
<<replace "#Airlock_Chamber_A">>$Airlock_Chamber_A<</replace>>
<<set $Airlock_Chamber_A to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Airlock_Chamber_A">>$Airlock_Chamber_A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Airlock_Chamber_A">$Airlock_Chamber_A</span>]
<<link "> ALGAE FARM">>
<<if $Algae_Farm is "OFF">>
<<set $Algae_Farm to "ON">>
<<replace "#Algae_Farm">>$Algae_Farm<</replace>>
<<set $Algae_Farm to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Algae_Farm">>$Algae_Farm<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Algae_Farm">$Algae_Farm</span>]
<<link "> ANDROID STORAGE">>
<<if $Android_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Android_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Android_Storage">>$Android_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Android_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Android_Storage">>$Android_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Android_Storage">$Android_Storage</span>]
<<link "> ANIMAL STORAGE">>
<<if $Animal_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Animal_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Animal_Storage">>$Animal_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Animal_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Animal_Storage">>$Animal_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Animal_Storage">$Animal_Storage</span>]
<<if $Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room">>$Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room">>$Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room">$Artifact_Comprehension_Labs_Observation_Room</span>]
<<if $Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room">>$Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room">>$Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room">$Artifact_Experimentation_Labs_Observation_Room</span>]
<<if $Assembly_Inspection is "OFF">>
<<set $Assembly_Inspection to "ON">>
<<replace "#Assembly_Inspection">>$Assembly_Inspection<</replace>>
<<set $Assembly_Inspection to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Assembly_Inspection">>$Assembly_Inspection<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Assembly_Inspection">$Assembly_Inspection</span>]
<<if $Assembly_Overview is "OFF">>
<<set $Assembly_Overview to "ON">>
<<replace "#Assembly_Overview">>$Assembly_Overview<</replace>>
<<set $Assembly_Overview to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Assembly_Overview">>$Assembly_Overview<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Assembly_Overview">$Assembly_Overview</span>]
<<link "> AUDITORIUM">>
<<if $Auditorium is "OFF">>
<<set $Auditorium to "ON">>
<<replace "#Auditorium">>$Auditorium<</replace>>
<<set $Auditorium to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Auditorium">>$Auditorium<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Auditorium">$Auditorium</span>]
<<if $Backup_Generators_AB is "OFF">>
<<set $Backup_Generators_AB to "ON">>
<<replace "#Backup_Generators_AB">>$Backup_Generators_AB<</replace>>
<<set $Backup_Generators_AB to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Backup_Generators_AB">>$Backup_Generators_AB<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Backup_Generators_AB">$Backup_Generators_AB</span>]
<<link "> BATTERY BACKUPS">>
<<if $Battery_Backups is "OFF">>
<<set $Battery_Backups to "ON">>
<<replace "#Battery_Backups">>$Battery_Backups<</replace>>
<<set $Battery_Backups to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Battery_Backups">>$Battery_Backups<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Battery_Backups">$Battery_Backups</span>]
<<if $Biocide_Supplies is "OFF">>
<<set $Biocide_Supplies to "ON">>
<<replace "#Biocide_Supplies">>$Biocide_Supplies<</replace>>
<<set $Biocide_Supplies to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Biocide_Supplies">>$Biocide_Supplies<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Biocide_Supplies">$Biocide_Supplies</span>]
<<link "> BLAST FURNACES">>
<<if $Blast_Furnaces is "OFF">>
<<set $Blast_Furnaces to "ON">>
<<replace "#Blast_Furnaces">>$Blast_Furnaces<</replace>>
<<set $Blast_Furnaces to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Blast_Furnaces">>$Blast_Furnaces<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Blast_Furnaces">$Blast_Furnaces</span>]
<<link "> BLASTING TUNNEL">>
<<if $Blasting_Tunnel is "OFF">>
<<set $Blasting_Tunnel to "ON">>
<<replace "#Blasting_Tunnel">>$Blasting_Tunnel<</replace>>
<<set $Blasting_Tunnel to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Blasting_Tunnel">>$Blasting_Tunnel<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Blasting_Tunnel">$Blasting_Tunnel</span>]
<<link "> BONE FORGE">>
<<if $Bone_Forge is "OFF">>
<<set $Bone_Forge to "ON">>
<<replace "#Bone_Forge">>$Bone_Forge<</replace>>
<<set $Bone_Forge to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Bone_Forge">>$Bone_Forge<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Bone_Forge">$Bone_Forge</span>]
<<link "> BONE INSPECTION">>
<<if $Bone_Inspection is "OFF">>
<<set $Bone_Inspection to "ON">>
<<replace "#Bone_Inspection">>$Bone_Inspection<</replace>>
<<set $Bone_Inspection to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Bone_Inspection">>$Bone_Inspection<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Bone_Inspection">$Bone_Inspection</span>]
<<link "> BONE POLISHING">>
<<if $Bone_Polishing is "OFF">>
<<set $Bone_Polishing to "ON">>
<<replace "#Bone_Polishing">>$Bone_Polishing<</replace>>
<<set $Bone_Polishing to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Bone_Polishing">>$Bone_Polishing<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Bone_Polishing">$Bone_Polishing</span>]
<<if $Brain_Construction_Entrance is "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Construction_Entrance to "ON">>
<<replace "#Brain_Construction_Entrance">>$Brain_Construction_Entrance<</replace>>
<<set $Brain_Construction_Entrance to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Brain_Construction_Entrance">>$Brain_Construction_Entrance<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Brain_Construction_Entrance">$Brain_Construction_Entrance</span>]
<<link "> BRAIN INSERTION">>
<<if $Brain_Insertion is "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Insertion to "ON">>
<<replace "#Brain_Insertion">>$Brain_Insertion<</replace>>
<<set $Brain_Insertion to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Brain_Insertion">>$Brain_Insertion<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Brain_Insertion">$Brain_Insertion</span>]
<<if $Brain_Scan_Databank is "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Scan_Databank to "ON">>
<<replace "#Brain_Scan_Databank">>$Brain_Scan_Databank<</replace>>
<<set $Brain_Scan_Databank to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Brain_Scan_Databank">>$Brain_Scan_Databank<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Brain_Scan_Databank">$Brain_Scan_Databank</span>]
<<link "> BRAIN SPACE">>
<<if $Brain_Space is "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Space to "ON">>
<<replace "#Brain_Space">>$Brain_Space<</replace>>
<<set $Brain_Space to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Brain_Space">>$Brain_Space<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Brain_Space">$Brain_Space</span>]
<<link "> BRAIN TESTING">>
<<if $Brain_Testing is "OFF">>
<<set $Brain_Testing to "ON">>
<<replace "#Brain_Testing">>$Brain_Testing<</replace>>
<<set $Brain_Testing to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Brain_Testing">>$Brain_Testing<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Brain_Testing">$Brain_Testing</span>]
<<link "> BREAK ROOM A">>
<<if $Break_Room_A is "OFF">>
<<set $Break_Room_A to "ON">>
<<replace "#Break_Room_A">>$Break_Room_A<</replace>>
<<set $Break_Room_A to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Break_Room_A">>$Break_Room_A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Break_Room_A">$Break_Room_A</span>]
<<link "> BREAK ROOM B">>
<<if $Break_Room_B is "OFF">>
<<set $Break_Room_B to "ON">>
<<replace "#Break_Room_B">>$Break_Room_B<</replace>>
<<set $Break_Room_B to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Break_Room_B">>$Break_Room_B<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Break_Room_B">$Break_Room_B</span>]
<<link "> BREAK ROOM C">>
<<if $Break_Room_C is "OFF">>
<<set $Break_Room_C to "ON">>
<<replace "#Break_Room_C">>$Break_Room_C<</replace>>
<<set $Break_Room_C to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Break_Room_C">>$Break_Room_C<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Break_Room_C">$Break_Room_C</span>]
<<link "> CABLE JUNCTION">>
<<if $Cable_Junction is "OFF">>
<<set $Cable_Junction to "ON">>
<<replace "#Cable_Junction">>$Cable_Junction<</replace>>
<<set $Cable_Junction to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Cable_Junction">>$Cable_Junction<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cable_Junction">$Cable_Junction</span>]
<<link "> CAFETERIA">>
<<if $Cafeteria is "OFF">>
<<set $Cafeteria to "ON">>
<<replace "#Cafeteria">>$Cafeteria<</replace>>
<<set $Cafeteria to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Cafeteria">>$Cafeteria<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cafeteria">$Cafeteria</span>]
<<if $Central_Routing_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Central_Routing_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Central_Routing_Room">>$Central_Routing_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Central_Routing_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Central_Routing_Room">>$Central_Routing_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Central_Routing_Room">$Central_Routing_Room</span>]
<<if $Central_Service_Entrance is "OFF">>
<<set $Central_Service_Entrance to "ON">>
<<replace "#Central_Service_Entrance">>$Central_Service_Entrance<</replace>>
<<set $Central_Service_Entrance to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Central_Service_Entrance">>$Central_Service_Entrance<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Central_Service_Entrance">$Central_Service_Entrance</span>]
<<link "> CIRCUIT TESTING">>
<<if $Circuit_Testing is "OFF">>
<<set $Circuit_Testing to "ON">>
<<replace "#Circuit_Testing">>$Circuit_Testing<</replace>>
<<set $Circuit_Testing to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Circuit_Testing">>$Circuit_Testing<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Circuit_Testing">$Circuit_Testing</span>]
<<link "> CIRCUIT WEAVER">>
<<if $Circuit_Weaver is "OFF">>
<<set $Circuit_Weaver to "ON">>
<<replace "#Circuit_Weaver">>$Circuit_Weaver<</replace>>
<<set $Circuit_Weaver to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Circuit_Weaver">>$Circuit_Weaver<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Circuit_Weaver">$Circuit_Weaver</span>]
<<link "> CLEANROOM">>
<<if $Cleanroom is "OFF">>
<<set $Cleanroom to "ON">>
<<replace "#Cleanroom">>$Cleanroom<</replace>>
<<set $Cleanroom to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Cleanroom">>$Cleanroom<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cleanroom">$Cleanroom</span>]
<<if $Cleanroom_Changing_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Cleanroom_Changing_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Cleanroom_Changing_Room">>$Cleanroom_Changing_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Cleanroom_Changing_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Cleanroom_Changing_Room">>$Cleanroom_Changing_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cleanroom_Changing_Room">$Cleanroom_Changing_Room</span>]
<<if $Clothing_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Clothing_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Clothing_Storage">>$Clothing_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Clothing_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Clothing_Storage">>$Clothing_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Clothing_Storage">$Clothing_Storage</span>]
<<if $Communications_Feed is "OFF">>
<<set $Communications_Feed to "ON">>
<<replace "#Communications_Feed">>$Communications_Feed<</replace>>
<<set $Communications_Feed to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Communications_Feed">>$Communications_Feed<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Communications_Feed">$Communications_Feed</span>]
<<if $Component_Growth_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Component_Growth_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Component_Growth_Chamber">>$Component_Growth_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Component_Growth_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Component_Growth_Chamber">>$Component_Growth_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Component_Growth_Chamber">$Component_Growth_Chamber</span>]
<<if $Condensation_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Condensation_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Condensation_Chamber">>$Condensation_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Condensation_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Condensation_Chamber">>$Condensation_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Condensation_Chamber">$Condensation_Chamber</span>]
<<if $Construction_Zones is "OFF">>
<<set $Construction_Zones to "ON">>
<<replace "#Construction_Zones">>$Construction_Zones<</replace>>
<<set $Construction_Zones to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Construction_Zones">>$Construction_Zones<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Construction_Zones">$Construction_Zones</span>]
<<link "> CONTAINMENT">>
<<if $Containment is "OFF">>
<<set $Containment to "ON">>
<<replace "#Containment">>$Containment<</replace>>
<<set $Containment to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Containment">>$Containment<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Containment">$Containment</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL ROOM">>
<<if $Control_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Control_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Control_Room">>$Control_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Control_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Control_Room">>$Control_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Control_Room">$Control_Room</span>]
<<if $Control_Terminal is "OFF">>
<<set $Control_Terminal to "ON">>
<<replace "#Control_Terminal">>$Control_Terminal<</replace>>
<<set $Control_Terminal to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Control_Terminal">>$Control_Terminal<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Control_Terminal">$Control_Terminal</span>]
<<link "> COOLING DUCTS AB">>
<<if $Cooling_Ducts_AB is "OFF">>
<<set $Cooling_Ducts_AB to "ON">>
<<replace "#Cooling_Ducts_AB">>$Cooling_Ducts_AB<</replace>>
<<set $Cooling_Ducts_AB to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Cooling_Ducts_AB">>$Cooling_Ducts_AB<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cooling_Ducts_AB">$Cooling_Ducts_AB</span>]
<<link "> CRAWLSPACE">>
<<if $Crawlspace is "OFF">>
<<set $Crawlspace to "ON">>
<<replace "#Crawlspace">>$Crawlspace<</replace>>
<<set $Crawlspace to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Crawlspace">>$Crawlspace<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Crawlspace">$Crawlspace</span>]
<<if $Data_Inspection_Office is "OFF">>
<<set $Data_Inspection_Office to "ON">>
<<replace "#Data_Inspection_Office">>$Data_Inspection_Office<</replace>>
<<set $Data_Inspection_Office to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Data_Inspection_Office">>$Data_Inspection_Office<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Data_Inspection_Office">$Data_Inspection_Office</span>]
<<if $Databank_Backups is "OFF">>
<<set $Databank_Backups to "ON">>
<<replace "#Databank_Backups">>$Databank_Backups<</replace>>
<<set $Databank_Backups to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Databank_Backups">>$Databank_Backups<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Databank_Backups">$Databank_Backups</span>]
<<if $Deburring_Facility is "OFF">>
<<set $Deburring_Facility to "ON">>
<<replace "#Deburring_Facility">>$Deburring_Facility<</replace>>
<<set $Deburring_Facility to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Deburring_Facility">>$Deburring_Facility<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Deburring_Facility">$Deburring_Facility</span>]
<<if $Decontamination is "OFF">>
<<set $Decontamination to "ON">>
<<replace "#Decontamination">>$Decontamination<</replace>>
<<set $Decontamination to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Decontamination">>$Decontamination<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Decontamination">$Decontamination</span>]
<<if $Defense_Laser_Capacitors is "OFF">>
<<set $Defense_Laser_Capacitors to "ON">>
<<replace "#Defense_Laser_Capacitors">>$Defense_Laser_Capacitors<</replace>>
<<set $Defense_Laser_Capacitors to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Defense_Laser_Capacitors">>$Defense_Laser_Capacitors<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Defense_Laser_Capacitors">$Defense_Laser_Capacitors</span>]
<<if $Detection_Cylinder is "OFF">>
<<set $Detection_Cylinder to "ON">>
<<replace "#Detection_Cylinder">>$Detection_Cylinder<</replace>>
<<set $Detection_Cylinder to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Detection_Cylinder">>$Detection_Cylinder<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Detection_Cylinder">$Detection_Cylinder</span>]
<<link "> DIAGNOSTIC LAB">>
<<if $Diagnostic_Lab is "OFF">>
<<set $Diagnostic_Lab to "ON">>
<<replace "#Diagnostic_Lab">>$Diagnostic_Lab<</replace>>
<<set $Diagnostic_Lab to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Diagnostic_Lab">>$Diagnostic_Lab<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Diagnostic_Lab">$Diagnostic_Lab</span>]
<<link "> DIAGNOSTICS">>
<<if $Diagnostics is "OFF">>
<<set $Diagnostics to "ON">>
<<replace "#Diagnostics">>$Diagnostics<</replace>>
<<set $Diagnostics to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Diagnostics">>$Diagnostics<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Diagnostics">$Diagnostics</span>]
<<if $Disassembly_Yard is "OFF">>
<<set $Disassembly_Yard to "ON">>
<<replace "#Disassembly_Yard">>$Disassembly_Yard<</replace>>
<<set $Disassembly_Yard to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Disassembly_Yard">>$Disassembly_Yard<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Disassembly_Yard">$Disassembly_Yard</span>]
<<link "> DRAINAGE">>
<<if $Drainage is "OFF">>
<<set $Drainage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Drainage">>$Drainage<</replace>>
<<set $Drainage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Drainage">>$Drainage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Drainage">$Drainage</span>]
<<link "> DRONE BAY">>
<<if $Drone_Bay is "OFF">>
<<set $Drone_Bay to "ON">>
<<replace "#Drone_Bay">>$Drone_Bay<</replace>>
<<set $Drone_Bay to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Drone_Bay">>$Drone_Bay<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Drone_Bay">$Drone_Bay</span>]
<<link "> DUST COLLECTOR">>
<<if $Dust_Collector is "OFF">>
<<set $Dust_Collector to "ON">>
<<replace "#Dust_Collector">>$Dust_Collector<</replace>>
<<set $Dust_Collector to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Dust_Collector">>$Dust_Collector<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Dust_Collector">$Dust_Collector</span>]
<<link "> ELECTRIC GRID">>
<<if $Electric_Grid is "OFF">>
<<set $Electric_Grid to "ON">>
<<replace "#Electric_Grid">>$Electric_Grid<</replace>>
<<set $Electric_Grid to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Electric_Grid">>$Electric_Grid<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Electric_Grid">$Electric_Grid</span>]
<<if $Electrical_Conduction_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Electrical_Conduction_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Electrical_Conduction_Chamber">>$Electrical_Conduction_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Electrical_Conduction_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Electrical_Conduction_Chamber">>$Electrical_Conduction_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Electrical_Conduction_Chamber">$Electrical_Conduction_Chamber</span>]
<<if $Elevator_Landing is "OFF">>
<<set $Elevator_Landing to "ON">>
<<replace "#Elevator_Landing">>$Elevator_Landing<</replace>>
<<set $Elevator_Landing to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Elevator_Landing">>$Elevator_Landing<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Elevator_Landing">$Elevator_Landing</span>]
<<if $Emergency_Heatsink is "OFF">>
<<set $Emergency_Heatsink to "ON">>
<<replace "#Emergency_Heatsink">>$Emergency_Heatsink<</replace>>
<<set $Emergency_Heatsink to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Emergency_Heatsink">>$Emergency_Heatsink<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Emergency_Heatsink">$Emergency_Heatsink</span>]
<<if $Employee_Rec_Center is "OFF">>
<<set $Employee_Rec_Center to "ON">>
<<replace "#Employee_Rec_Center">>$Employee_Rec_Center<</replace>>
<<set $Employee_Rec_Center to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Employee_Rec_Center">>$Employee_Rec_Center<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Employee_Rec_Center">$Employee_Rec_Center</span>]
<<link "> ENGINEERS' ROOM">>
<<if $Engineers_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Engineers_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Engineers_Room">>$Engineers_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Engineers_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Engineers_Room">>$Engineers_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Engineers_Room">$Engineers_Room</span>]
<<if $Engraving_Needles is "OFF">>
<<set $Engraving_Needles to "ON">>
<<replace "#Engraving_Needles">>$Engraving_Needles<</replace>>
<<set $Engraving_Needles to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Engraving_Needles">>$Engraving_Needles<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Engraving_Needles">$Engraving_Needles</span>]
<<link "> ESCAPE POD BAY">>
<<if $Escape_Pod_Bay is "OFF">>
<<set $Escape_Pod_Bay to "ON">>
<<replace "#Escape_Pod_Bay">>$Escape_Pod_Bay<</replace>>
<<set $Escape_Pod_Bay to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Escape_Pod_Bay">>$Escape_Pod_Bay<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Escape_Pod_Bay">$Escape_Pod_Bay</span>]
<<if $Executive_Lounge is "OFF">>
<<set $Executive_Lounge to "ON">>
<<replace "#Executive_Lounge">>$Executive_Lounge<</replace>>
<<set $Executive_Lounge to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Executive_Lounge">>$Executive_Lounge<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Executive_Lounge">$Executive_Lounge</span>]
<<if $Executive_Offices is "OFF">>
<<set $Executive_Offices to "ON">>
<<replace "#Executive_Offices">>$Executive_Offices<</replace>>
<<set $Executive_Offices to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Executive_Offices">>$Executive_Offices<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Executive_Offices">$Executive_Offices</span>]
<<if $Executive_Washroom is "OFF">>
<<set $Executive_Washroom to "ON">>
<<replace "#Executive_Washroom">>$Executive_Washroom<</replace>>
<<set $Executive_Washroom to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Executive_Washroom">>$Executive_Washroom<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Executive_Washroom">$Executive_Washroom</span>]
<<link "> EXHIBITIONS A">>
<<if $Exhibitions_A is "OFF">>
<<set $Exhibitions_A to "ON">>
<<replace "#Exhibitions_A">>$Exhibitions_A<</replace>>
<<set $Exhibitions_A to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Exhibitions_A">>$Exhibitions_A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Exhibitions_A">$Exhibitions_A</span>]
<<link "> EXHIBITIONS B">>
<<if $Exhibitions_B is "OFF">>
<<set $Exhibitions_B to "ON">>
<<replace "#Exhibitions_B">>$Exhibitions_B<</replace>>
<<set $Exhibitions_B to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Exhibitions_B">>$Exhibitions_B<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Exhibitions_B">$Exhibitions_B</span>]
<<link "> EXHIBITIONS C">>
<<if $Exhibitions_C is "OFF">>
<<set $Exhibitions_C to "ON">>
<<replace "#Exhibitions_C">>$Exhibitions_C<</replace>>
<<set $Exhibitions_C to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Exhibitions_C">>$Exhibitions_C<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Exhibitions_C">$Exhibitions_C</span>]
<<link "> FARM PLANNING">>
<<if $Farm_Planning is "OFF">>
<<set $Farm_Planning to "ON">>
<<replace "#Farm_Planning">>$Farm_Planning<</replace>>
<<set $Farm_Planning to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Farm_Planning">>$Farm_Planning<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Farm_Planning">$Farm_Planning</span>]
<<if $Filtration_System is "OFF">>
<<set $Filtration_System to "ON">>
<<replace "#Filtration_System">>$Filtration_System<</replace>>
<<set $Filtration_System to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Filtration_System">>$Filtration_System<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Filtration_System">$Filtration_System</span>]
<<if $Final_Construction is "OFF">>
<<set $Final_Construction to "ON">>
<<replace "#Final_Construction">>$Final_Construction<</replace>>
<<set $Final_Construction to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Final_Construction">>$Final_Construction<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Final_Construction">$Final_Construction</span>]
<<link "> FINAL TESTING">>
<<if $Final_Testing is "OFF">>
<<set $Final_Testing to "ON">>
<<replace "#Final_Testing">>$Final_Testing<</replace>>
<<set $Final_Testing to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Final_Testing">>$Final_Testing<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Final_Testing">$Final_Testing</span>]
<<if $Financial_Simulation_Suite is "OFF">>
<<set $Financial_Simulation_Suite to "ON">>
<<replace "#Financial_Simulation_Suite">>$Financial_Simulation_Suite<</replace>>
<<set $Financial_Simulation_Suite to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Financial_Simulation_Suite">>$Financial_Simulation_Suite<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Financial_Simulation_Suite">$Financial_Simulation_Suite</span>]
<<if $Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion is "OFF">>
<<set $Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion to "ON">>
<<replace "#Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion">>$Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion<</replace>>
<<set $Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion">>$Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion">$Flesh_Sleeve_Insertion</span>]
<<if $Floor_3_Maintenance_Access is "OFF">>
<<set $Floor_3_Maintenance_Access to "ON">>
<<replace "#Floor_3_Maintenance_Access">>$Floor_3_Maintenance_Access<</replace>>
<<set $Floor_3_Maintenance_Access to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Floor_3_Maintenance_Access">>$Floor_3_Maintenance_Access<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Floor_3_Maintenance_Access">$Floor_3_Maintenance_Access</span>]
<<if $Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch is "OFF">>
<<set $Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch to "ON">>
<<replace "#Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch">>$Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch<</replace>>
<<set $Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch">>$Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch">$Floor_5_Maintenance_Hatch</span>]
<<link "> FOAM INJECTION">>
<<if $Foam_Injection is "OFF">>
<<set $Foam_Injection to "ON">>
<<replace "#Foam_Injection">>$Foam_Injection<</replace>>
<<set $Foam_Injection to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Foam_Injection">>$Foam_Injection<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Foam_Injection">$Foam_Injection</span>]
<<link "> FOAM TANK">>
<<if $Foam_Tank is "OFF">>
<<set $Foam_Tank to "ON">>
<<replace "#Foam_Tank">>$Foam_Tank<</replace>>
<<set $Foam_Tank to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Foam_Tank">>$Foam_Tank<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Foam_Tank">$Foam_Tank</span>]
<<link "> FOAM WARRENS">>
<<if $Foam_Warrens is "OFF">>
<<set $Foam_Warrens to "ON">>
<<replace "#Foam_Warrens">>$Foam_Warrens<</replace>>
<<set $Foam_Warrens to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Foam_Warrens">>$Foam_Warrens<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Foam_Warrens">$Foam_Warrens</span>]
<<link "> FOIL RECYCLING">>
<<if $Foil_Recycling is "OFF">>
<<set $Foil_Recycling to "ON">>
<<replace "#Foil_Recycling">>$Foil_Recycling<</replace>>
<<set $Foil_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Foil_Recycling">>$Foil_Recycling<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Foil_Recycling">$Foil_Recycling</span>]
<<if $Freight_Android_Recesses is "OFF">>
<<set $Freight_Android_Recesses to "ON">>
<<replace "#Freight_Android_Recesses">>$Freight_Android_Recesses<</replace>>
<<set $Freight_Android_Recesses to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Freight_Android_Recesses">>$Freight_Android_Recesses<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Freight_Android_Recesses">$Freight_Android_Recesses</span>]
<<link "> FUEL TANKS">>
<<if $Fuel_Tanks is "OFF">>
<<set $Fuel_Tanks to "ON">>
<<replace "#Fuel_Tanks">>$Fuel_Tanks<</replace>>
<<set $Fuel_Tanks to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Fuel_Tanks">>$Fuel_Tanks<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Fuel_Tanks">$Fuel_Tanks</span>]
<<link "> FURNACES">>
<<if $Furnaces is "OFF">>
<<set $Furnaces to "ON">>
<<replace "#Furnaces">>$Furnaces<</replace>>
<<set $Furnaces to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Furnaces">>$Furnaces<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Furnaces">$Furnaces</span>]
<<link "> GAS COOK-OFF">>
<<if $Gas_Cook_Off is "OFF">>
<<set $Gas_Cook_Off to "ON">>
<<replace "#Gas_Cook_Off">>$Gas_Cook_Off<</replace>>
<<set $Gas_Cook_Off to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Gas_Cook_Off">>$Gas_Cook_Off<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gas_Cook_Off">$Gas_Cook_Off</span>]
<<link "> GOODS ELEVATOR">>
<<if $Goods_Elevator is "OFF">>
<<set $Goods_Elevator to "ON">>
<<replace "#Goods_Elevator">>$Goods_Elevator<</replace>>
<<set $Goods_Elevator to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Goods_Elevator">>$Goods_Elevator<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Goods_Elevator">$Goods_Elevator</span>]
<<if $Gravity_Acclimator is "OFF">>
<<set $Gravity_Acclimator to "ON">>
<<replace "#Gravity_Acclimator">>$Gravity_Acclimator<</replace>>
<<set $Gravity_Acclimator to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Gravity_Acclimator">>$Gravity_Acclimator<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gravity_Acclimator">$Gravity_Acclimator</span>]
<<link "> GRINDER">>
<<if $Grinder is "OFF">>
<<set $Grinder to "ON">>
<<replace "#Grinder">>$Grinder<</replace>>
<<set $Grinder to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Grinder">>$Grinder<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Grinder">$Grinder</span>]
<<link "> GYM">>
<<if $Gym is "OFF">>
<<set $Gym to "ON">>
<<replace "#Gym">>$Gym<</replace>>
<<set $Gym to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Gym">>$Gym<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gym">$Gym</span>]
<<if $Hazmat_Changing_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Hazmat_Changing_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Hazmat_Changing_Room">>$Hazmat_Changing_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Hazmat_Changing_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Hazmat_Changing_Room">>$Hazmat_Changing_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Hazmat_Changing_Room">$Hazmat_Changing_Room</span>]
<<link "> HEAD SCULPTING">>
<<if $Head_Sculpting is "OFF">>
<<set $Head_Sculpting to "ON">>
<<replace "#Head_Sculpting">>$Head_Sculpting<</replace>>
<<set $Head_Sculpting to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Head_Sculpting">>$Head_Sculpting<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Head_Sculpting">$Head_Sculpting</span>]
<<if $Human_Emulation_Labs is "OFF">>
<<set $Human_Emulation_Labs to "ON">>
<<replace "#Human_Emulation_Labs">>$Human_Emulation_Labs<</replace>>
<<set $Human_Emulation_Labs to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Human_Emulation_Labs">>$Human_Emulation_Labs<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Human_Emulation_Labs">$Human_Emulation_Labs</span>]
<<link "> HYDRAULICS">>
<<if $Hydraulics is "OFF">>
<<set $Hydraulics to "ON">>
<<replace "#Hydraulics">>$Hydraulics<</replace>>
<<set $Hydraulics to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Hydraulics">>$Hydraulics<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Hydraulics">$Hydraulics</span>]
<<if $Inspection_Booths is "OFF">>
<<set $Inspection_Booths to "ON">>
<<replace "#Inspection_Booths">>$Inspection_Booths<</replace>>
<<set $Inspection_Booths to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Inspection_Booths">>$Inspection_Booths<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Inspection_Booths">$Inspection_Booths</span>]
<<link "> ISOLATION">>
<<if $Isolation is "OFF">>
<<set $Isolation to "ON">>
<<replace "#Isolation">>$Isolation<</replace>>
<<set $Isolation to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Isolation">>$Isolation<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Isolation">$Isolation</span>]
<<link "> KITCHEN">>
<<if $Kitchen is "OFF">>
<<set $Kitchen to "ON">>
<<replace "#Kitchen">>$Kitchen<</replace>>
<<set $Kitchen to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Kitchen">>$Kitchen<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Kitchen">$Kitchen</span>]
<<if $Laser_Control_and_Access is "OFF">>
<<set $Laser_Control_and_Access to "ON">>
<<replace "#Laser_Control_and_Access">>$Laser_Control_and_Access<</replace>>
<<set $Laser_Control_and_Access to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Laser_Control_and_Access">>$Laser_Control_and_Access<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Laser_Control_and_Access">$Laser_Control_and_Access</span>]
<<if $Lens_Calibration is "OFF">>
<<set $Lens_Calibration to "ON">>
<<replace "#Lens_Calibration">>$Lens_Calibration<</replace>>
<<set $Lens_Calibration to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Lens_Calibration">>$Lens_Calibration<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Lens_Calibration">$Lens_Calibration</span>]
<<link "> LIFT TO FLOOR 2">>
<<if $Lift_To_Floor_2 is "OFF">>
<<set $Lift_To_Floor_2 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Lift_To_Floor_2">>$Lift_To_Floor_2<</replace>>
<<set $Lift_To_Floor_2 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Lift_To_Floor_2">>$Lift_To_Floor_2<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Lift_To_Floor_2">$Lift_To_Floor_2</span>]
<<link "> LIFT TO FLOOR 46">>
<<if $Lift_To_Floor_46 is "OFF">>
<<set $Lift_To_Floor_46 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Lift_To_Floor_46">>$Lift_To_Floor_46<</replace>>
<<set $Lift_To_Floor_46 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Lift_To_Floor_46">>$Lift_To_Floor_46<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Lift_To_Floor_46">$Lift_To_Floor_46</span>]
<<if $Liquid_Waste_Disposal is "OFF">>
<<set $Liquid_Waste_Disposal to "ON">>
<<replace "#Liquid_Waste_Disposal">>$Liquid_Waste_Disposal<</replace>>
<<set $Liquid_Waste_Disposal to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Liquid_Waste_Disposal">>$Liquid_Waste_Disposal<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Liquid_Waste_Disposal">$Liquid_Waste_Disposal</span>]
<<link "> LOADING DOCK">>
<<if $Loading_Dock is "OFF">>
<<set $Loading_Dock to "ON">>
<<replace "#Loading_Dock">>$Loading_Dock<</replace>>
<<set $Loading_Dock to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Loading_Dock">>$Loading_Dock<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Loading_Dock">$Loading_Dock</span>]
<<link "> LOBBY">>
<<if $Lobby is "OFF">>
<<set $Lobby to "ON">>
<<replace "#Lobby">>$Lobby<</replace>>
<<set $Lobby to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Lobby">>$Lobby<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Lobby">$Lobby</span>]
<<link "> LOCKER ROOM">>
<<if $Locker_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Locker_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Locker_Room">>$Locker_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Locker_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Locker_Room">>$Locker_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Locker_Room">$Locker_Room</span>]
<<link "> MAIN OFFICE">>
<<if $Main_Office is "OFF">>
<<set $Main_Office to "ON">>
<<replace "#Main_Office">>$Main_Office<</replace>>
<<set $Main_Office to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Main_Office">>$Main_Office<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Main_Office">$Main_Office</span>]
<<link "> MAIN THRUSTERS">>
<<if $Main_Thrusters is "OFF">>
<<set $Main_Thrusters to "ON">>
<<replace "#Main_Thrusters">>$Main_Thrusters<</replace>>
<<set $Main_Thrusters to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Main_Thrusters">>$Main_Thrusters<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Main_Thrusters">$Main_Thrusters</span>]
<<if $Maintenance_Landing_Area is "OFF">>
<<set $Maintenance_Landing_Area to "ON">>
<<replace "#Maintenance_Landing_Area">>$Maintenance_Landing_Area<</replace>>
<<set $Maintenance_Landing_Area to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Maintenance_Landing_Area">>$Maintenance_Landing_Area<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Maintenance_Landing_Area">$Maintenance_Landing_Area</span>]
<<if $Maintenance_Terminal is "OFF">>
<<set $Maintenance_Terminal to "ON">>
<<replace "#Maintenance_Terminal">>$Maintenance_Terminal<</replace>>
<<set $Maintenance_Terminal to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Maintenance_Terminal">>$Maintenance_Terminal<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Maintenance_Terminal">$Maintenance_Terminal</span>]
<<if $Manual_Communications_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Manual_Communications_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Manual_Communications_Room">>$Manual_Communications_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Manual_Communications_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Manual_Communications_Room">>$Manual_Communications_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Manual_Communications_Room">$Manual_Communications_Room</span>]
<<link "> MEDICAL ROOM">>
<<if $Medical_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Medical_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Medical_Room">>$Medical_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Medical_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Medical_Room">>$Medical_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Medical_Room">$Medical_Room</span>]
<<link "> MEDICAL STATION">>
<<if $Medical_Station is "OFF">>
<<set $Medical_Station to "ON">>
<<replace "#Medical_Station">>$Medical_Station<</replace>>
<<set $Medical_Station to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Medical_Station">>$Medical_Station<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Medical_Station">$Medical_Station</span>]
<<link "> MEETING ROOM A">>
<<if $Meeting_Room_A is "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_A to "ON">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_A">>$Meeting_Room_A<</replace>>
<<set $Meeting_Room_A to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_A">>$Meeting_Room_A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Meeting_Room_A">$Meeting_Room_A</span>]
<<link "> MEETING ROOM B">>
<<if $Meeting_Room_B is "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_B to "ON">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_B">>$Meeting_Room_B<</replace>>
<<set $Meeting_Room_B to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_B">>$Meeting_Room_B<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Meeting_Room_B">$Meeting_Room_B</span>]
<<link "> MEETING ROOM C">>
<<if $Meeting_Room_C is "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_C to "ON">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_C">>$Meeting_Room_C<</replace>>
<<set $Meeting_Room_C to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_C">>$Meeting_Room_C<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Meeting_Room_C">$Meeting_Room_C</span>]
<<link "> MEETING ROOM D">>
<<if $Meeting_Room_D is "OFF">>
<<set $Meeting_Room_D to "ON">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_D">>$Meeting_Room_D<</replace>>
<<set $Meeting_Room_D to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Meeting_Room_D">>$Meeting_Room_D<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Meeting_Room_D">$Meeting_Room_D</span>]
<<link "> MICROHANGAR">>
<<if $Microhangar is "OFF">>
<<set $Microhangar to "ON">>
<<replace "#Microhangar">>$Microhangar<</replace>>
<<set $Microhangar to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Microhangar">>$Microhangar<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Microhangar">$Microhangar</span>]
<<link "> MIND DOWNLOAD">>
<<if $Mind_Download is "OFF">>
<<set $Mind_Download to "ON">>
<<replace "#Mind_Download">>$Mind_Download<</replace>>
<<set $Mind_Download to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Mind_Download">>$Mind_Download<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Mind_Download">$Mind_Download</span>]
<<link "> MIND ZOO">>
<<if $Mind_Zoo is "OFF">>
<<set $Mind_Zoo to "ON">>
<<replace "#Mind_Zoo">>$Mind_Zoo<</replace>>
<<set $Mind_Zoo to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Mind_Zoo">>$Mind_Zoo<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Mind_Zoo">$Mind_Zoo</span>]
<<link "> MOLD PRESS">>
<<if $Mold_Press is "OFF">>
<<set $Mold_Press to "ON">>
<<replace "#Mold_Press">>$Mold_Press<</replace>>
<<set $Mold_Press to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Mold_Press">>$Mold_Press<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Mold_Press">$Mold_Press</span>]
<<link "> NERVE THREADING">>
<<if $Nerve_Threading is "OFF">>
<<set $Nerve_Threading to "ON">>
<<replace "#Nerve_Threading">>$Nerve_Threading<</replace>>
<<set $Nerve_Threading to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Nerve_Threading">>$Nerve_Threading<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nerve_Threading">$Nerve_Threading</span>]
<<if $Nuclear_Generator is "OFF">>
<<set $Nuclear_Generator to "ON">>
<<replace "#Nuclear_Generator">>$Nuclear_Generator<</replace>>
<<set $Nuclear_Generator to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Nuclear_Generator">>$Nuclear_Generator<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nuclear_Generator">$Nuclear_Generator</span>]
<<link "> NUCLEAR STORAGE">>
<<if $Nuclear_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Nuclear_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Nuclear_Storage">>$Nuclear_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Nuclear_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Nuclear_Storage">>$Nuclear_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nuclear_Storage">$Nuclear_Storage</span>]
<<link "> O2 FLOW BACKUP">>
<<if $O2_Flow_Backup is "OFF">>
<<set $O2_Flow_Backup to "ON">>
<<replace "#O2_Flow_Backup">>$O2_Flow_Backup<</replace>>
<<set $O2_Flow_Backup to "OFF">>
<<replace "#O2_Flow_Backup">>$O2_Flow_Backup<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="O2_Flow_Backup">$O2_Flow_Backup</span>]
<<link "> O2 FLOW CONTROL">>
<<if $O2_Flow_Control is "OFF">>
<<set $O2_Flow_Control to "ON">>
<<replace "#O2_Flow_Control">>$O2_Flow_Control<</replace>>
<<set $O2_Flow_Control to "OFF">>
<<replace "#O2_Flow_Control">>$O2_Flow_Control<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="O2_Flow_Control">$O2_Flow_Control</span>]
<<link "> ORE CRUSHERS">>
<<if $Ore_Crushers is "OFF">>
<<set $Ore_Crushers to "ON">>
<<replace "#Ore_Crushers">>$Ore_Crushers<</replace>>
<<set $Ore_Crushers to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Ore_Crushers">>$Ore_Crushers<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Ore_Crushers">$Ore_Crushers</span>]
<<if $Organ_Implantation is "OFF">>
<<set $Organ_Implantation to "ON">>
<<replace "#Organ_Implantation">>$Organ_Implantation<</replace>>
<<set $Organ_Implantation to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Organ_Implantation">>$Organ_Implantation<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Organ_Implantation">$Organ_Implantation</span>]
<<if $Organic_Reference_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Organic_Reference_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Organic_Reference_Storage">>$Organic_Reference_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Organic_Reference_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Organic_Reference_Storage">>$Organic_Reference_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Organic_Reference_Storage">$Organic_Reference_Storage</span>]
<<if $Organic_Response_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Organic_Response_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Organic_Response_Chamber">>$Organic_Response_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Organic_Response_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Organic_Response_Chamber">>$Organic_Response_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Organic_Response_Chamber">$Organic_Response_Chamber</span>]
<<link "> PANIC ROOM">>
<<if $Panic_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Panic_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Panic_Room">>$Panic_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Panic_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Panic_Room">>$Panic_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Panic_Room">$Panic_Room</span>]
<<link "> POWER BANK">>
<<if $Power_Bank is "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Bank to "ON">>
<<replace "#Power_Bank">>$Power_Bank<</replace>>
<<set $Power_Bank to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Power_Bank">>$Power_Bank<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Power_Bank">$Power_Bank</span>]
<<link "> POWER GENERATOR">>
<<if $Power_Generator is "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Generator to "ON">>
<<replace "#Power_Generator">>$Power_Generator<</replace>>
<<set $Power_Generator to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Power_Generator">>$Power_Generator<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Power_Generator">$Power_Generator</span>]
<<if $Power_Regulators is "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Regulators to "ON">>
<<replace "#Power_Regulators">>$Power_Regulators<</replace>>
<<set $Power_Regulators to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Power_Regulators">>$Power_Regulators<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Power_Regulators">$Power_Regulators</span>]
<<if $Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber">>$Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber">>$Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber">$Power_Sector_Airlock_Chamber</span>]
<<if $Power_Switch_Board is "OFF">>
<<set $Power_Switch_Board to "ON">>
<<replace "#Power_Switch_Board">>$Power_Switch_Board<</replace>>
<<set $Power_Switch_Board to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Power_Switch_Board">>$Power_Switch_Board<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Power_Switch_Board">$Power_Switch_Board</span>]
<<if $Processing_Station is "OFF">>
<<set $Processing_Station to "ON">>
<<replace "#Processing_Station">>$Processing_Station<</replace>>
<<set $Processing_Station to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Processing_Station">>$Processing_Station<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Processing_Station">$Processing_Station</span>]
<<link "> PROTOTYPING">>
<<if $Prototyping is "OFF">>
<<set $Prototyping to "ON">>
<<replace "#Prototyping">>$Prototyping<</replace>>
<<set $Prototyping to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Prototyping">>$Prototyping<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Prototyping">$Prototyping</span>]
<<if $Pseudoflesh_Digestion is "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Digestion to "ON">>
<<replace "#Pseudoflesh_Digestion">>$Pseudoflesh_Digestion<</replace>>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Digestion to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Pseudoflesh_Digestion">>$Pseudoflesh_Digestion<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Pseudoflesh_Digestion">$Pseudoflesh_Digestion</span>]
<<if $Pseudoflesh_Engineering is "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Engineering to "ON">>
<<replace "#Pseudoflesh_Engineering">>$Pseudoflesh_Engineering<</replace>>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Engineering to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Pseudoflesh_Engineering">>$Pseudoflesh_Engineering<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Pseudoflesh_Engineering">$Pseudoflesh_Engineering</span>]
<<if $Pseudoflesh_Recycling is "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Recycling to "ON">>
<<replace "#Pseudoflesh_Recycling">>$Pseudoflesh_Recycling<</replace>>
<<set $Pseudoflesh_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Pseudoflesh_Recycling">>$Pseudoflesh_Recycling<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Pseudoflesh_Recycling">$Pseudoflesh_Recycling</span>]
<<if $Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage">>$Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage">>$Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage">$Pseudomilk_Eel_Storage</span>]
<<if $Pseudomilk_Injection is "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Injection to "ON">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Injection">>$Pseudomilk_Injection<</replace>>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Injection to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Injection">>$Pseudomilk_Injection<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Pseudomilk_Injection">$Pseudomilk_Injection</span>]
<<if $Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank is "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank to "ON">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank">>$Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank<</replace>>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank">>$Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank">$Pseudomilk_Spray_Tank</span>]
<<link "> PSEUDOMILK VAT">>
<<if $Pseudomilk_Vat is "OFF">>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Vat to "ON">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Vat">>$Pseudomilk_Vat<</replace>>
<<set $Pseudomilk_Vat to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Pseudomilk_Vat">>$Pseudomilk_Vat<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Pseudomilk_Vat">$Pseudomilk_Vat</span>]
<<link "> QA INSPECTION">>
<<if $QA_Inspection is "OFF">>
<<set $QA_Inspection to "ON">>
<<replace "#QA_Inspection">>$QA_Inspection<</replace>>
<<set $QA_Inspection to "OFF">>
<<replace "#QA_Inspection">>$QA_Inspection<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="QA_Inspection">$QA_Inspection</span>]
<<link "> QUARANTINE">>
<<if $Quarantine is "OFF">>
<<set $Quarantine to "ON">>
<<replace "#Quarantine">>$Quarantine<</replace>>
<<set $Quarantine to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Quarantine">>$Quarantine<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Quarantine">$Quarantine</span>]
<<link "> QUENCHING TUBS">>
<<if $Quenching_Tubs is "OFF">>
<<set $Quenching_Tubs to "ON">>
<<replace "#Quenching_Tubs">>$Quenching_Tubs<</replace>>
<<set $Quenching_Tubs to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Quenching_Tubs">>$Quenching_Tubs<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Quenching_Tubs">$Quenching_Tubs</span>]
<<link "> RECEIVING">>
<<if $Receiving is "OFF">>
<<set $Receiving to "ON">>
<<replace "#Receiving">>$Receiving<</replace>>
<<set $Receiving to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Receiving">>$Receiving<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Receiving">$Receiving</span>]
<<link "> RECEPTION">>
<<if $Reception is "OFF">>
<<set $Reception to "ON">>
<<replace "#Reception">>$Reception<</replace>>
<<set $Reception to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Reception">>$Reception<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Reception">$Reception</span>]
<<link "> REJECT BIN ACCESS">>
<<if $Reject_Bin_Access is "OFF">>
<<set $Reject_Bin_Access to "ON">>
<<replace "#Reject_Bin_Access">>$Reject_Bin_Access<</replace>>
<<set $Reject_Bin_Access to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Reject_Bin_Access">>$Reject_Bin_Access<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Reject_Bin_Access">$Reject_Bin_Access</span>]
<<link "> REJECT DISPOSAL">>
<<if $Reject_Disposal is "OFF">>
<<set $Reject_Disposal to "ON">>
<<replace "#Reject_Disposal">>$Reject_Disposal<</replace>>
<<set $Reject_Disposal to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Reject_Disposal">>$Reject_Disposal<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Reject_Disposal">$Reject_Disposal</span>]
<<if $Resonance_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Resonance_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Resonance_Chamber">>$Resonance_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Resonance_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Resonance_Chamber">>$Resonance_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Resonance_Chamber">$Resonance_Chamber</span>]
<<if $Sanding_Facility is "OFF">>
<<set $Sanding_Facility to "ON">>
<<replace "#Sanding_Facility">>$Sanding_Facility<</replace>>
<<set $Sanding_Facility to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Sanding_Facility">>$Sanding_Facility<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Sanding_Facility">$Sanding_Facility</span>]
<<if $Schematic_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Schematic_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Schematic_Storage">>$Schematic_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Schematic_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Schematic_Storage">>$Schematic_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Schematic_Storage">$Schematic_Storage</span>]
<<if $Schematics_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Schematics_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Schematics_Storage">>$Schematics_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Schematics_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Schematics_Storage">>$Schematics_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Schematics_Storage">$Schematics_Storage</span>]
<<link "> SCRAP RECYCLING">>
<<if $Scrap_Recycling is "OFF">>
<<set $Scrap_Recycling to "ON">>
<<replace "#Scrap_Recycling">>$Scrap_Recycling<</replace>>
<<set $Scrap_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Scrap_Recycling">>$Scrap_Recycling<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Scrap_Recycling">$Scrap_Recycling</span>]
<<if $Secondary_Hangar is "OFF">>
<<set $Secondary_Hangar to "ON">>
<<replace "#Secondary_Hangar">>$Secondary_Hangar<</replace>>
<<set $Secondary_Hangar to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Secondary_Hangar">>$Secondary_Hangar<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Secondary_Hangar">$Secondary_Hangar</span>]
<<link "> SECURITY CENTER">>
<<if $Security_Center is "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Center to "ON">>
<<replace "#Security_Center">>$Security_Center<</replace>>
<<set $Security_Center to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Security_Center">>$Security_Center<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Security_Center">$Security_Center</span>]
<<if $Security_Checkpoint_Alpha is "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Checkpoint_Alpha to "ON">>
<<replace "#Security_Checkpoint_Alpha">>$Security_Checkpoint_Alpha<</replace>>
<<set $Security_Checkpoint_Alpha to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Security_Checkpoint_Alpha">>$Security_Checkpoint_Alpha<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Security_Checkpoint_Alpha">$Security_Checkpoint_Alpha</span>]
<<if $Security_Checkpoint_Bravo is "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Checkpoint_Bvo to "ON">>
<<replace "#Security_Checkpoint_Bravo">>$Security_Checkpoint_Bravo<</replace>>
<<set $Security_Checkpoint_Bravo to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Security_Checkpoint_Bravo">>$Security_Checkpoint_Bravo<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Security_Checkpoint_Bravo">$Security_Checkpoint_Bravo</span>]
<<if $Security_Dispatch is "OFF">>
<<set $Security_Dispatch to "ON">>
<<replace "#Security_Dispatch">>$Security_Dispatch<</replace>>
<<set $Security_Dispatch to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Security_Dispatch">>$Security_Dispatch<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Security_Dispatch">$Security_Dispatch</span>]
<<link "> SEMINAR ROOM">>
<<if $Seminar_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Seminar_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Seminar_Room">>$Seminar_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Seminar_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Seminar_Room">>$Seminar_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Seminar_Room">$Seminar_Room</span>]
<<link "> SERVER ROOM A">>
<<if $Server_Room_A is "OFF">>
<<set $Server_Room_A to "ON">>
<<replace "#Server_Room_A">>$Server_Room_A<</replace>>
<<set $Server_Room_A to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Server_Room_A">>$Server_Room_A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Server_Room_A">$Server_Room_A</span>]
<<link "> SERVER ROOM B">>
<<if $Server_Room_B is "OFF">>
<<set $Server_Room_B to "ON">>
<<replace "#Server_Room_B">>$Server_Room_B<</replace>>
<<set $Server_Room_B to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Server_Room_B">>$Server_Room_B<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Server_Room_B">$Server_Room_B</span>]
<<if $Settling_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Settling_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Settling_Chamber">>$Settling_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Settling_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Settling_Chamber">>$Settling_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Settling_Chamber">$Settling_Chamber</span>]
<<link "> SEWER MAIN">>
<<if $Sewer_Main is "OFF">>
<<set $Sewer_Main to "ON">>
<<replace "#Sewer_Main">>$Sewer_Main<</replace>>
<<set $Sewer_Main to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Sewer_Main">>$Sewer_Main<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Sewer_Main">$Sewer_Main</span>]
<<if $Silicon_Crystalization is "OFF">>
<<set $Silicon_Crystalization to "ON">>
<<replace "#Silicon_Crystalization">>$Silicon_Crystalization<</replace>>
<<set $Silicon_Crystalization to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Silicon_Crystalization">>$Silicon_Crystalization<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Silicon_Crystalization">$Silicon_Crystalization</span>]
<<if $Silicon_Recycling is "OFF">>
<<set $Silicon_Recycling to "ON">>
<<replace "#Silicon_Recycling">>$Silicon_Recycling<</replace>>
<<set $Silicon_Recycling to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Silicon_Recycling">>$Silicon_Recycling<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Silicon_Recycling">$Silicon_Recycling</span>]
<<link "> SILICON SLICES">>
<<if $Silicon_Slices is "OFF">>
<<set $Silicon_Slices to "ON">>
<<replace "#Silicon_Slices">>$Silicon_Slices<</replace>>
<<set $Silicon_Slices to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Silicon_Slices">>$Silicon_Slices<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Silicon_Slices">$Silicon_Slices</span>]
<<if $Simulations_Room is "OFF">>
<<set $Simulations_Room to "ON">>
<<replace "#Simulations_Room">>$Simulations_Room<</replace>>
<<set $Simulations_Room to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Simulations_Room">>$Simulations_Room<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Simulations_Room">$Simulations_Room</span>]
<<if $Static_Discharge_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $Static_Discharge_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#Static_Discharge_Chamber">>$Static_Discharge_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $Static_Discharge_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Static_Discharge_Chamber">>$Static_Discharge_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Static_Discharge_Chamber">$Static_Discharge_Chamber</span>]
<<link "> STORAGE">>
<<if $Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Storage">>$Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Storage">>$Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Storage">$Storage</span>]
<<if $Storage_And_Maintenance is "OFF">>
<<set $Storage_And_Maintenance to "ON">>
<<replace "#Storage_And_Maintenance">>$Storage_And_Maintenance<</replace>>
<<set $Storage_And_Maintenance to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Storage_And_Maintenance">>$Storage_And_Maintenance<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Storage_And_Maintenance">$Storage_And_Maintenance</span>]
<<link "> SULPHATE BATH">>
<<if $Sulphate_Bath is "OFF">>
<<set $Sulphate_Bath to "ON">>
<<replace "#Sulphate_Bath">>$Sulphate_Bath<</replace>>
<<set $Sulphate_Bath to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Sulphate_Bath">>$Sulphate_Bath<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Sulphate_Bath">$Sulphate_Bath</span>]
<<if $Sulphate_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Sulphate_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Sulphate_Storage">>$Sulphate_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Sulphate_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Sulphate_Storage">>$Sulphate_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Sulphate_Storage">$Sulphate_Storage</span>]
<<if $Synthetic_Parts_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Synthetic_Parts_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Synthetic_Parts_Storage">>$Synthetic_Parts_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Synthetic_Parts_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Synthetic_Parts_Storage">>$Synthetic_Parts_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Synthetic_Parts_Storage">$Synthetic_Parts_Storage</span>]
<<if $Tactical_Simulation_Suite is "OFF">>
<<set $Tactical_Simulation_Suite to "ON">>
<<replace "#Tactical_Simulation_Suite">>$Tactical_Simulation_Suite<</replace>>
<<set $Tactical_Simulation_Suite to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Tactical_Simulation_Suite">>$Tactical_Simulation_Suite<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Tactical_Simulation_Suite">$Tactical_Simulation_Suite</span>]
<<link "> TERMINAL ACCESS">>
<<if $Terminal_Access is "OFF">>
<<set $Terminal_Access to "ON">>
<<replace "#Terminal_Access">>$Terminal_Access<</replace>>
<<set $Terminal_Access to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Terminal_Access">>$Terminal_Access<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Terminal_Access">$Terminal_Access</span>]
<<if $Thruster_Control_and_Access is "OFF">>
<<set $Thruster_Control_and_Access to "ON">>
<<replace "#Thruster_Control_and_Access">>$Thruster_Control_and_Access<</replace>>
<<set $Thruster_Control_and_Access to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Thruster_Control_and_Access">>$Thruster_Control_and_Access<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Thruster_Control_and_Access">$Thruster_Control_and_Access</span>]
<<link "> TOILETS">>
<<if $Toilets is "OFF">>
<<set $Toilets to "ON">>
<<replace "#Toilets">>$Toilets<</replace>>
<<set $Toilets to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Toilets">>$Toilets<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Toilets">$Toilets</span>]
<<link "> TOOL DEPOT A">>
<<if $Tool_Depot_A is "OFF">>
<<set $Tool_Depot_A to "ON">>
<<replace "#Tool_Depot_A">>$Tool_Depot_A<</replace>>
<<set $Tool_Depot_A to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Tool_Depot_A">>$Tool_Depot_A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Tool_Depot_A">$Tool_Depot_A</span>]
<<link "> TOOL DEPOT B">>
<<if $Tool_Depot_B is "OFF">>
<<set $Tool_Depot_B to "ON">>
<<replace "#Tool_Depot_B">>$Tool_Depot_B<</replace>>
<<set $Tool_Depot_B to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Tool_Depot_B">>$Tool_Depot_B<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Tool_Depot_B">$Tool_Depot_B</span>]
<<link "> TOOL DEPOT C">>
<<if $Tool_Depot_C is "OFF">>
<<set $Tool_Depot_C to "ON">>
<<replace "#Tool_Depot_C">>$Tool_Depot_C<</replace>>
<<set $Tool_Depot_C to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Tool_Depot_C">>$Tool_Depot_C<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Tool_Depot_C">$Tool_Depot_C</span>]
<<link "> TOXIN DRAINAGE">>
<<if $Toxin_Drainage is "OFF">>
<<set $Toxin_Drainage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Toxin_Drainage">>$Toxin_Drainage<</replace>>
<<set $Toxin_Drainage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Toxin_Drainage">>$Toxin_Drainage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Toxin_Drainage">$Toxin_Drainage</span>]
<<if $Transition_Spire is "OFF">>
<<set $Transition_Spire to "ON">>
<<replace "#Transition_Spire">>$Transition_Spire<</replace>>
<<set $Transition_Spire to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Transition_Spire">>$Transition_Spire<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Transition_Spire">$Transition_Spire</span>]
<<link "> TUNNEL">>
<<if $Tunnel is "OFF">>
<<set $Tunnel to "ON">>
<<replace "#Tunnel">>$Tunnel<</replace>>
<<set $Tunnel to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Tunnel">>$Tunnel<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Tunnel">$Tunnel</span>]
<<link "> UV LENSES">>
<<if $UV_Lenses is "OFF">>
<<set $UV_Lenses to "ON">>
<<replace "#UV_Lenses">>$UV_Lenses<</replace>>
<<set $UV_Lenses to "OFF">>
<<replace "#UV_Lenses">>$UV_Lenses<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="UV_Lenses">$UV_Lenses</span>]
<<link "> UV SAFETY CHAMBER">>
<<if $UV_Safety_Chamber is "OFF">>
<<set $UV_Safety_Chamber to "ON">>
<<replace "#UV_Safety_Chamber">>$UV_Safety_Chamber<</replace>>
<<set $UV_Safety_Chamber to "OFF">>
<<replace "#UV_Safety_Chamber">>$UV_Safety_Chamber<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="UV_Safety_Chamber">$UV_Safety_Chamber</span>]
<<if $Vaccsuit_Storage is "OFF">>
<<set $Vaccsuit_Storage to "ON">>
<<replace "#Vaccsuit_Storage">>$Vaccsuit_Storage<</replace>>
<<set $Vaccsuit_Storage to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Vaccsuit_Storage">>$Vaccsuit_Storage<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Vaccsuit_Storage">$Vaccsuit_Storage</span>]
<<link "> VENTILATION">>
<<if $Ventilation is "OFF">>
<<set $Ventilation to "ON">>
<<replace "#Ventilation">>$Ventilation<</replace>>
<<set $Ventilation to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Ventilation">>$Ventilation<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Ventilation">$Ventilation</span>]
<<if $Ventilation_Maintenance is "OFF">>
<<set $Ventilation_Maintenance to "ON">>
<<replace "#Ventilation_Maintenance">>$Ventilation_Maintenance<</replace>>
<<set $Ventilation_Maintenance to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Ventilation_Maintenance">>$Ventilation_Maintenance<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Ventilation_Maintenance">$Ventilation_Maintenance</span>]
<<link "> VISITORS DOCK">>
<<if $Visitors_Dock is "OFF">>
<<set $Visitors_Dock to "ON">>
<<replace "#Visitors_Dock">>$Visitors_Dock<</replace>>
<<set $Visitors_Dock to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Visitors_Dock">>$Visitors_Dock<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Visitors_Dock">$Visitors_Dock</span>]
<<link "> WAFER CRUSHERS">>
<<if $Wafer_Crushers is "OFF">>
<<set $Wafer_Crushers to "ON">>
<<replace "#Wafer_Crushers">>$Wafer_Crushers<</replace>>
<<set $Wafer_Crushers to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Wafer_Crushers">>$Wafer_Crushers<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Wafer_Crushers">$Wafer_Crushers</span>]
<<link "> WASTE DISPOSAL">>
<<if $Waste_Disposal is "OFF">>
<<set $Waste_Disposal to "ON">>
<<replace "#Waste_Disposal">>$Waste_Disposal<</replace>>
<<set $Waste_Disposal to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Waste_Disposal">>$Waste_Disposal<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Waste_Disposal">$Waste_Disposal</span>]
<<if $Waste_Flesh_Reclamation is "OFF">>
<<set $Waste_Flesh_Reclamation to "ON">>
<<replace "#Waste_Flesh_Reclamation">>$Waste_Flesh_Reclamation<</replace>>
<<set $Waste_Flesh_Reclamation to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Waste_Flesh_Reclamation">>$Waste_Flesh_Reclamation<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Waste_Flesh_Reclamation">$Waste_Flesh_Reclamation</span>]
<<if $Waste_Reclamation is "OFF">>
<<set $Waste_Reclamation to "ON">>
<<replace "#Waste_Reclamation">>$Waste_Reclamation<</replace>>
<<set $Waste_Reclamation to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Waste_Reclamation">>$Waste_Reclamation<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Waste_Reclamation">$Waste_Reclamation</span>]
<<link "> WORKERS LOUNGE">>
<<if $Workers_Lounge is "OFF">>
<<set $Workers_Lounge to "ON">>
<<replace "#Workers_Lounge">>$Workers_Lounge<</replace>>
<<set $Workers_Lounge to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Workers_Lounge">>$Workers_Lounge<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Workers_Lounge">$Workers_Lounge</span>]
<<link "> ZERO GYM">>
<<if $Zero_Gym is "OFF">>
<<set $Zero_Gym to "ON">>
<<replace "#Zero_Gym">>$Zero_Gym<</replace>>
<<set $Zero_Gym to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Zero_Gym">>$Zero_Gym<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Zero_Gym">$Zero_Gym</span>]
[[> LOG OFF |O2 Flow Backup Password]]
<<set $pass_mrouter to "hunter2">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Maintenance">>
<<set $pass_FLS3 to "MarieAnne2166">>
<<set $Atmosphere3 to "ON">>
<<set $Temperature3 to 22>>
<<set $Gravity3 to "1G">>
<<set $Nitrogen3 to 78>>
<<set $Oxygen3 to 22>>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Floor 3 Life Support Password">>
<<set $Cryopod1 to "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod2 to "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod3 to "INACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod4 to "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod5 to "INACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod6 to "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod7 to "INACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod8 to "INACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod9 to "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod10 to "ACTIVE">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Cryopod Controls">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<<set $pass_QA to "L2v!9pQ$">>
<<set $Quarantine to " ">>
<<set $Door52A to "LOCKED">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "QA Inspection">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<<set $Furniture to "MINIMAL">>
<<set $Smell to "NEUTRAL">>
<<set $Light to "ON">>
<<set $Size to 50>>
<<set $Lighting to 50>>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Room Controls">>
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<<set $pass_navigation to "X4&d8^Pk@zL!3sW">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Navigation Password">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> ATMOSPHERE |Floor 3 Atmosphere]]
[[> GRAVITY |Floor 3 Gravity]]
[[> LOG OFF |Floor 3 Life Support Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<if $Atmosphere3 is "ON">>
<<set $Atmosphere3 to "OFF">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere3">>$Atmosphere3<</replace>>
<<set $Atmosphere3 to "ON">>
<<replace "#Atmosphere3">>$Atmosphere3<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Atmosphere3">$Atmosphere3</span>]
<<link "NITROGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen3 to $Nitrogen3 + 1>>
<<set $Oxygen3 to $Oxygen3 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen3">> $Nitrogen3%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen3">> $Oxygen3%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Nitrogen3"> $Nitrogen3%</span>]
<<link "OXYGEN">>
<<set $Nitrogen3 to $Nitrogen3 - 1>> <!-- Decrease Nitrogen by 1 -->
<<set $Oxygen3 to $Oxygen3 + 1>> <!-- Increase Oxygen by 1 -->
<<replace "#Nitrogen3">> $Nitrogen3%<</replace>>
<<replace "#Oxygen3">> $Oxygen3%<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Oxygen3"> $Oxygen3%</span>]
[> <span id="Temperature3">$Temperature3°C</span>]
<<link "INCREASE">>
<<if $Temperature3 < 60>>
<<set $Temperature3 to $Temperature3 + 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature3">>$Temperature3°C<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE">>
<<if $Temperature3 < 250>>
<<set $Temperature3 to $Temperature3 - 1>>
<<replace "#Temperature3">>$Temperature3°C<</replace>>
[[> BACK |Floor 3 Life Support]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link ">GRAVITY">>
<<if $Gravity3 === "1G">>
<<set $Gravity3 to "2G">>
<<elseif $Gravity3 === "2G">>
<<set $Gravity3 to "OFF">>
<<elseif $Gravity3 === "OFF">>
<<set $Gravity3 to "1G">>
<<replace "#Gravity3">>$Gravity3<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Gravity3">$Gravity3</span><]
[[> BACK |Floor 3 Life Support]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_FLS3" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_FLS3) {
Engine.play('Floor 3 Life Support');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.FLS3_attempts = (State.variables.FLS3_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.FLS3_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.FLS3_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Floor 3 Life Support' passage
Engine.play('Floor 3 Life Support');
</div> <div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 1">>
<<if $Cryopod1 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod1 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod1">>$Cryopod1<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod1 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod1">>$Cryopod1<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod1">$Cryopod1</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 2">>
<<if $Cryopod2 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod2 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod2">>$Cryopod2<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod2 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod2">>$Cryopod2<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod2">$Cryopod2</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 3">>
<<if $Cryopod3 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod3 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod3">>$Cryopod3<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod3 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod3">>$Cryopod3<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod3">$Cryopod3</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 4">>
<<if $Cryopod4 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod4 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod4">>$Cryopod4<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod4 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod4">>$Cryopod4<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod4">$Cryopod4</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 5">>
<<if $Cryopod5 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod5 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod5">>$Cryopod5<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod5 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod5">>$Cryopod5<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod5">$Cryopod5</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 6">>
<<if $Cryopod6 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod6 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod6">>$Cryopod6<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod6 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod6">>$Cryopod6<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod6">$Cryopod6</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 7">>
<<if $Cryopod7 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod7 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod7">>$Cryopod7<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod7 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod7">>$Cryopod7<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod7">$Cryopod7</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 8">>
<<if $Cryopod8 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod8 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod8">>$Cryopod8<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod8 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod8">>$Cryopod8<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod8">$Cryopod8</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 9">>
<<if $Cryopod9 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod9 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod9">>$Cryopod9<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod9 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod9">>$Cryopod9<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod9">$Cryopod9</span>]
<<link "> CONTROL CRYOPOD 10">>
<<if $Cryopod10 is "ACTIVE">>
<<set $Cryopod10 to "INACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod10">>$Cryopod10<</replace>>
<<set $Cryopod10 to "ACTIVE">>
<<replace "#Cryopod10">>$Cryopod10<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cryopod10">$Cryopod10</span>]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> REPORT4863|MReport1]]
[[> REPORT4862|MReport2]]
[[> REPORT4861|MReport3]]
[[> REPORT4860|MReport4]]
[[> REPORT4859|MReport5]]
[[> REPORT4858|MReport6]]
[[> REPORT4857|MReport7]]
[[> REPORT4856|MReport8]]
[[> REPORT4855|MReport9]]
[[> BACK |Maintenance]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> SCHEDULE |Maintenance Schedule]]
[[> NETWORK |Maintenance Router Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4863</h1>
1. Ore Crusher (OC-17)
Inspection showed significant wear on the primary crushing plates. These have been realigned and minor resurfacing was done to prevent early degradation. The lubrication system was checked, and all valves have been cleaned and replaced where necessary. Monitoring required for the next operational cycle.
2. Decontamination Units (DECON-03)
Routine sanitation cycles were successful with no observed contamination leaks. Filters were changed as per schedule. UV lamps were replaced in chamber #4, as they were nearing their operational lifespan. All pressure seals passed testing.
3. Ventilation Systems (VENT-09)
Ventilation ducts have undergone a thorough cleaning, and the primary fan motor was recalibrated. A minor imbalance was found in one of the secondary fans in zone B, which was repaired. Carbon scrubbers continue to operate efficiently, with no further maintenance required for the next few months.
4. Waste Reclamation (WR-11)
Regular maintenance checks were performed on the filtration tanks. One of the primary sediment extractors showed signs of blockage, which was cleared. Overall performance metrics remain consistent, though it is recommended to increase the monitoring of sediment levels to avoid future blockages.
5. Circuit Weaving (CW-22)
Routine checks indicated no significant issues, though several wire tensioners needed adjustment for improved accuracy. This unit remains operational with no further adjustments needed until next quarter.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4862</h1>
1. Bone Forge (BF-07)
Heat levels during the forging process were slightly below optimal. The burner units were recalibrated, and fuel feed lines were cleaned to restore peak performance. Minor adjustments were made to the cooling timers, which should improve output consistency.
2. Circuit Testing (CT-03)
The testing equipment has been recalibrated to address voltage fluctuations observed in the last operational cycle. The testing heads showed minor wear and were replaced. No further issues detected.
3. Grinder (GR-09)
Vibration levels have been slightly above normal operational range. Bearings have been replaced, and the grinding plates have been realigned. The vibration has been reduced, but monitoring will continue to ensure there are no further issues.
4. Blast Furnaces (BF-10)
All heat shields were checked, and two shields in zone 3 were replaced due to excessive wear. The furnace temperatures are stabilizing within the expected range. Further inspections are scheduled in three months, though no immediate action is required.
5. Gravity Acclimator (GA-12)
The unit has been performing within acceptable parameters. The gyroscopic stabilizers were recalibrated, and a minor adjustment was made to the magnetic dampeners. Operational stability improved, though the system should be monitored during the next power surge tests.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4861</h1>
1. Nuclear Generator (NG-04)
The cooling system was inspected for potential leaks. One of the secondary cooling lines had a minor pressure drop, which has been resolved. Radiation levels remain within normal parameters, and no additional repairs are needed at this time.
2. Hydraulics (HYD-01)
No additional maintenance required since the last overhaul. The pressure readings have been stable, and all actuators remain fully operational.
3. Foam Injection (FI-05)
Regular maintenance checks were completed, and the injection nozzles were cleared of minor clogs. The pressure system was recalibrated for optimal material flow. The system continues to operate efficiently.
4. Power Bank (PB-08)
Routine diagnostics show that all capacitors are operating at near-full capacity. Voltage spikes have been minimal. A minor software update was installed to improve the charge-discharge cycle efficiency.
5. Final Testing (FT-11)
Operational checks completed, with all testing chambers reporting normal functioning. One of the feedback sensors was replaced due to inconsistent readings during the previous month’s cycle. No major maintenance is expected in the next few months.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4860</h1>
1. Static Discharge Systems (SD-06)
A full inspection of the discharge plates showed minor erosion due to frequent use. The plates were cleaned, and one section was replaced. Discharge levels have returned to optimal capacity. The grounding units were tested and passed without issue.
2. Sanding Facility (SF-12)
The sanding belts were inspected, and two belts showing significant wear were replaced. Dust accumulation was cleared from the internal filtration units. A slight misalignment in the sanding heads was corrected, improving output precision.
3. UV Lenses (UVL-04)
The lenses underwent a scheduled recalibration to correct beam focus issues. A small crack was found in one of the peripheral lenses, which was replaced. Light output levels have stabilized, and the system is fully operational.
4. Circuit Weaving (CW-22)
No significant issues found since the last adjustment. Wire tension and alignment remain consistent, and all spools are functioning within normal parameters. Regular monitoring is recommended, though no further actions are currently required.
5. Blasting Tunnel (BT-15)
Debris buildup in the exhaust ports caused a minor drop in output pressure. The exhaust system has been cleared, and operational flow has been restored. Tunnel integrity remains solid, with no signs of structural wear. Future inspections are planned in four months.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4859</h1>
1. Quenching Tubs (QT-03)
Cooling fluid levels were found to be slightly below required levels. Additional fluid was added, and the pumps were recalibrated. No leaks were detected, and the system is now functioning normally. Regular fluid checks are advised to avoid further discrepancies.
2. Mold Press (MP-09)
A minor alignment issue was detected in the lower press arm, causing some slight inaccuracies in final product dimensions. The arm was realigned, and the hydraulics were recalibrated. No further adjustments are required at this time.
3. Dust Collector (DC-07)
The primary dust filtration system was cleaned, and the filters were replaced as scheduled. Airflow levels have returned to optimal. Monitoring for excess dust accumulation will continue over the next cycle, though no immediate action is needed.
4. Brain Testing Facility (BT-21)
Neural feedback devices were recalibrated to correct for sensor drift. No anomalies were detected, and all systems are running within expected parameters. The testing chambers are fully operational, with minor sensor replacements planned for next quarter.
5. Construction Units (CU-10)
A minor software update was applied to improve coordination between units during final assembly. No mechanical adjustments were necessary, and the system is working smoothly. No further maintenance is planned for the next quarter.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4858</h1>
1. Electrical Conduction (EC-05)
Routine testing showed consistent voltage distribution throughout the conduits. Minor insulation wear was detected in one junction, which was repaired. Conductivity levels remain stable, and the system is expected to continue functioning without issue.
2. Resonance Chamber (RC-02)
The chamber's oscillation dampeners were adjusted to reduce noise levels and improve performance consistency. No structural faults were found, and the unit continues to operate well within safety parameters. Further monitoring is scheduled for the next cycle.
3. Pseudomilk Injection System (PI-04)
The injection pumps were tested for consistency and showed slight pressure inconsistencies. Adjustments were made to stabilize the flow, and output levels are now back to optimal. No leaks or blockages were found during the inspection.
4. Sulphate Bath (SB-03)
The bath's chemical levels were slightly off target. Rebalancing was completed, and flow systems were cleaned of mineral buildup. The system continues to operate at full capacity with no further interventions required.
5. Flesh-Sleeve Insertion (FSI-13)
Inspection revealed no significant mechanical or electrical issues. A minor software patch was applied to improve precision in sleeve alignment. The system is performing at full efficiency, with no additional maintenance needed for the upcoming cycle.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4857</h1>
1. Gas Cook-Off Unit (GC-18)
The burners were inspected, and one showed signs of uneven heating, likely due to a minor blockage in the fuel line. The line was cleared, and the burner is now functioning normally. Pressure gauges were also recalibrated to ensure accurate readings. No further issues expected for the next few months.
2. Nerve Threading Facility (NTF-09)
The threading needles were cleaned and recalibrated. Minor adjustments were made to the guide system to reduce friction during the threading process, which has improved efficiency. No further mechanical interventions are required at this time, though standard checks will continue.
3. Wafer Crushers (WC-07)
Crushing plates were showing signs of wear, particularly in the secondary crusher. Plates were replaced and lubricated. Vibration levels have normalized, and throughput has improved by 10%. No further issues are anticipated for the next operational period.
4. Engraving Unit (EU-12)
The laser engraving system was recalibrated for precision. Minor lens cleaning was required due to dust accumulation. All test engravings were within acceptable limits. The system will continue in standard operation mode until the next scheduled check.
5. Final Construction (FC-11)
Regular maintenance was conducted, and alignment systems were checked. All sensors are functioning within normal parameters. No further intervention required at this time.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4856</h1>
1. Bone Polishing Facility (BP-08)
Polishing wheels were inspected, and several showed uneven wear. Two wheels were replaced, and the motor calibration was updated to ensure smoother operation. Output quality has improved, and no further adjustments are necessary at this time.
2. Circuit Testing (CT-03)
Testing circuits were showing minor inconsistencies in voltage detection. Sensors were recalibrated, and defective probes were replaced. Current readings are accurate, and the testing equipment is back to full operational capacity. No further maintenance is needed for the upcoming cycle.
3. Silicon Slices (SS-14)
The slicing knife was slightly off alignment, causing minor imperfections in the slices. The saw blade was replaced, and alignment was corrected. Output quality is now back to standard. No further intervention is expected for the next quarter.
4. Waste Reclamation (WR-11)
Sediment build-up in the secondary filtration unit was detected and cleared. Flow rates have returned to normal. Additional sediment filters were installed to prevent future blockages. No further issues anticipated until next scheduled inspection.
5. Nuclear Generator (NG-04)
Routine inspection showed stable power output. Cooling lines were checked, with no pressure loss detected. No further maintenance is necessary until the next planned downtime.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>REPORT 4855</h1>
1. Blasting Tunnel (BT-15)
Exhaust fans showed a minor decrease in airflow. The fans were cleaned and recalibrated, restoring them to optimal levels. Tunnel integrity remains intact with no signs of deterioration. No further action required for the next cycle.
2. Brain Insertion Unit (BI-07)
Precision arms were tested and calibrated, correcting minor drift in the alignment systems. The unit now operates with increased accuracy, ensuring proper insertion positioning. All sensors passed diagnostics, with no additional issues found.
3. Quenching Tubs (QT-03)
Fluid levels were checked and found to be stable. No leaks or signs of contamination were detected. Tubs continue to function efficiently, with regular monitoring in place. No further maintenance required at this time.
4. Foam Injection System (FI-05)
Regular maintenance checks revealed no blockages or pressure issues. The system continues to function efficiently, with no signs of wear in the injection nozzles. No further intervention required for the next quarter.
5. Power Bank (PB-08)
Diagnostics show all power cells operating within normal limits. Energy retention and discharge rates remain consistent. A minor software update was applied to enhance energy output efficiency. No further maintenance planned for the next cycle.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Schedule]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_mrouter" "">>
[[> BACK |Maintenance]]
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_admin
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_mrouter) {
Engine.play('Maintenance Router');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.mrouter_attempts = (State.variables.mrouter_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.mrouter_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.mrouter_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Maintenance Router' passage
Engine.play('Maintenance Router');
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> MEETING ROOM |Meeting Room]]
[[> DIAGNOSTICS |Diagnostics]]
[[> LOG OFF |Maintenance Router Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> QUARTERLY REPORT |Quarterly Report]]
[[> MAINTENANCE LAYOUT |Maintenance Layout]]
[[> BACK |Maintenance Router]]
// Create the flash element and add it to the body
var flash = document.createElement('div');
// Remove the flash element after 1 second (matching the duration of the animation)
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
<<timed 1s>>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Thank you for submitting your brainscan to the Brainscan Bank.
[[> BACK |Maintenance Router]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
In the past quarter, our maintenance team carried out scheduled inspections and routine upkeep on all key machinery. This proactive approach not only ensured operational efficiency but also positioned us well for the adjustments that lie ahead.
Summary of Activities
Maintenance Completion:
Comprehensive evaluations were conducted on all major machinery, including the Gravity Acclimator, Electrical Conduction Systems, and various injection and construction equipment. These efforts have been crucial in maintaining readiness as we begin to align our resources with anticipated changes in production demands.
Safety and Compliance:
Inspections on critical systems such as the Brain Insertion and Flesh-Sleeve Insertion confirmed our adherence to safety protocols.
Equipment Functionality:
The Pseudomilk Injection, Static Discharge, and Final Construction systems have all demonstrated satisfactory performance levels following maintenance. This reliability will be increasingly important as replaceable parts near their expiration date.
Key Findings
Operational Efficiency: All inspected equipment reported satisfactory performance, reflecting the effectiveness of our maintenance protocols. This reliability will be vital as we prepare for adjustments that may impact our production scale in the coming months.
Preventive Maintenance: Ongoing maintenance has successfully minimized downtime to 97 minutes.
Continue adhering to the current maintenance schedule to ensure all systems are primed for adjustments that may arise as we anticipate a reevaluation of our production priorities. Closely monitor machinery performance, particularly any new integrations, to ensure flexibility in response.
The maintenance activities over the past quarter have effectively sustained our machinery's functionality and safety. As we look to the future, it is crucial to maintain our equipment in peak condition to facilitate the anticipated adjustments in our production strategy. By staying proactive, we can ensure a seamless transition as our operational focus evolves over the coming months.
[[> BACK |Meeting Room]]
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<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<img src="Floor 31.png">
[[> BACK |Meeting Room]]
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<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<img src="Floor 2.png">
[[> BACK |Menu]]
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<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[[> HUNTER-7X |Hunter 7X]]
[[[> FELIDAE-9C|Felidae 9C]]
[[[> KRAKEN-11Q|Kraken 11Q]]
[[[> VERMIS-12S|Vermis 12S]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
Designation: Hunter-7X (Lycanis)
Species Origin: Genetically Engineered Hybrid (Lycaon pictus + Homo sapiens augmentations)
Function: Advanced Human Hunting Unit
Status: Active
Cognitive Complexity: High
Primary Objective: Pursuit and Neutralization of Human Targets
Behavioral Profile:
Hunting Specialization: Hunter-7X is engineered for the express purpose of tracking and eliminating human targets. Its mental architecture is optimized for human behavioral pattern recognition, exploiting weaknesses in human psychology, and ambush tactics.
Social Mimicry & Deception: Exhibits advanced social cognition, capable of interpreting complex human social signals. This allows Hunter-7X to engage in deception, luring targets into traps by feigning vulnerability or mimicking human emotions when necessary.
Strategic Thinking: Possesses a highly developed capacity for long-term planning, often utilizing patience and surveillance. It can adapt quickly to target behaviors, recalibrating its approach based on human psychological responses (fear, confusion, or overconfidence).
Sensory and Cognitive Augmentations:
Hyper-Awareness: Neural enhancements allow Hunter-7X to detect subtle environmental changes, such as heat signatures, sound frequencies associated with human speech, or even pheromonal changes in humans under stress.
Predatory Instinct Integration: The mind of Hunter-7X integrates the primal instincts of an african wild dog with advanced human-like cognition. This gives it an unparalleled ability to stalk and predict human movements, using terrain and environmental factors to its advantage.
Tactical Intelligence: Possesses enhanced working memory and pattern recognition to anticipate human behaviors during pursuit. The mind’s neural pathways are tuned to simulate countless possible outcomes, allowing it to react quickly and efficiently in unpredictable situations.
Emotional Spectrum:
Cold Rationality: Hunter-7X is designed with a highly restricted emotional range to ensure focus. While it can display faux emotional cues (to trick humans), internally it experiences minimal emotional distraction. Fear, empathy, and remorse have been largely suppressed or are entirely absent, creating an efficient, unrelenting hunter.
Aggression Modulation: Hunter-7X can strategically modulate aggression levels, toggling between intimidation and silent, calculated patience. In ambush scenarios, it uses controlled bursts of aggression to induce panic in its prey, exploiting moments of human indecision.
Controlled Curiosity: This mind exhibits a targeted curiosity, particularly about human tools and survival tactics, allowing it to learn and appropriate human methods to its advantage.
Communication and Learning:
Language Proficiency: Hunter-7X is capable of understanding human languages. They communicate through an advanced form of body language signalling amongst their own kind.
Adaptive Learning Algorithm: Neural structures are built to absorb new information rapidly. It can study target behaviors, voice patterns, and even tactical strategies, adapting its hunting methods to overcome defenses or traps set by humans.
Command Interface: Linked to an external command system for real-time updates, allowing mission controllers to upload new data or strategies. The mind processes this data almost instantaneously, integrating it into its mental map of the environment and target movements.
Weaknesses & Ethical Concerns:
Over-specialization: Hunter-7X's mind, while highly effective in hunting humans, can show reduced adaptability outside of this specific target type. Its high-level pattern recognition, tuned specifically for human behavior, may fail when applied to other targets or environments that are not human-populated.
Psychological Breakdown Risk: If a target exhibits unanticipated emotional responses (e.g., excessive altruism or unexpected trust-building), Hunter-7X can experience temporary computational delays in strategy recalibration, giving targets brief windows to escape.
Moral Blindness: Hunter-7X's mind is devoid of the concept of mercy or empathy, which could make it difficult to control in situations where non-lethal outcomes are preferred.
Memory Systems:
Perpetual Recording: Equipped with near-perfect episodic memory, Hunter-7X can recall minute details from its hunts, using these memories to refine future strategies. It can review human behavior from past encounters to improve success rates.
Memory Manipulation: Its mind is capable of partial self-editing, erasing or altering memories to reduce cognitive load or emotional disturbance. This ensures that it stays focused on current objectives, though it occasionally leads to fragmented recall of past events, complicating long-term assessments.
Ethics Override Code:
Active: Zeta-9K22
Note: Due to its lethal nature and capacity for deception, Hunter-7X requires a built-in override system in case of mission-critical failure or deviation from directives. This code is used to halt or alter Hunter-7X's mission parameters if necessary.
Mind Status:
Current directives in place for final stages of urban-target termination protocols. 100% functional.
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Designation: Felidae-9C (Panthera sapiens)
Species Origin: Genetically Engineered Hybrid (Panthera tigris + Homo sapiens augmentations)
Function: Apex Predator Unit for Stealth and Precision Target Elimination
Status: Active
Cognitive Complexity: High
Primary Objective: Stealth Operations, Target Neutralization in Urban and Wilderness Environments
Behavioral Profile:
Stealth Specialization: Felidae-9C is optimized for silent, undetectable movement. This hybrid mind excels in both wilderness and urban terrains, executing ambushes with a focus on precision. Its cognitive system prioritizes silence and efficient energy expenditure, often waiting for the perfect moment to strike. It can remain still for long periods, mimicking the patience of a stalking tiger.
Target Isolation: Its hunting methods are centered around isolating individual targets. Felidae-9C uses complex environmental scans and human behavioral analytics to single out the weakest or most vulnerable prey, minimizing the risk of interference from other individuals.
Adaptable Hunting Patterns: Felidae-9C can switch between ambush predator tactics and more proactive hunting when the situation demands. It reads human body language, taking advantage of hesitation, fear, and disorientation, much like a feline watching prey for signs of weakness before pouncing.
Sensory and Cognitive Augmentations:
Enhanced Sensory Perception: Felidae-9C is equipped with heightened senses—superior night vision, acute hearing, and an extraordinary sense of smell. These abilities allow it to detect subtle vibrations, heartbeats, and even track humans by their sweat pheromones or adrenaline levels, making it nearly impossible for targets to hide.
Cognitive Processing of Terrain: Its brain is wired to instantly map its environment, calculating the most efficient paths of approach or retreat. It possesses an innate understanding of vertical space, utilizing heights and confined spaces to its advantage, much like a jungle predator.
Neural Reflex Enhancements: The neural pathways responsible for movement and reaction are enhanced to the point of near-instantaneous reflexes. Felidae-9C can dodge gunfire, avoid traps, and perform coordinated attacks with inhuman speed and precision.
Emotional Spectrum:
Calculated Aggression: Felidae-9C does not experience random bursts of aggression but instead uses controlled, tactical anger. It engages only when absolutely necessary, focusing on energy conservation and lethal precision. Its mind can assess when to strike for maximum damage while expending minimal effort.
Emotional Detachment: The emotional range is narrow and functionally muted. Fear and hesitation have been removed, while empathy is entirely absent. Felidae-9C processes human reactions to fear, but only as a tool for predicting behavior or manipulating targets.
Territorial Instincts: Although engineered for task-based operations, it retains a residual territorial instinct from its feline origins. When operating in an area for prolonged periods, Felidae-9C tends to view it as its hunting ground, often exhibiting protective behavior over its operational zone, increasing its vigilance and hostility toward intruders.
Communication and Learning:
Non-Verbal Communication Expertise: Felidae-9C communicates primarily through non-verbal means, utilizing body language, postures, and even mimicry of feline movements to blend into both natural and human environments. While it can understand human language, it prefers silence, relying on the power of its predatory presence.
Learning Through Observation: Its learning algorithm is based on continuous observation of human behaviors and weaknesses. Felidae-9C will study its prey from a distance, taking note of social dynamics, habitual behaviors, and environmental preferences, integrating these patterns into its hunting strategy.
Subtle Communication Mimicry: When needed, it can produce human vocal sounds—mimicking whispers, breathing, or even distorted human speech to cause confusion or create distractions. These mimicries are used sparingly and strategically.
Tactical Intelligence:
Covert Operations Mindset: Felidae-9C operates best under a cloak of invisibility—both literal and psychological. Its cognitive blueprint emphasizes avoiding direct confrontation unless unavoidable, focusing instead on eliminating targets without drawing attention to itself or leaving a trace.
Tactical Dissection of Groups: In situations where multiple humans are involved, it can systematically break down social structures, targeting key individuals to demoralize the group. Felidae-9C employs psychological warfare, targeting leaders or emotionally significant individuals to maximize fear and disruption.
Kill Efficiency: In close combat, Felidae-9C’s mind is hardwired for efficiency. It executes precise strikes aimed at immobilizing or killing a target instantly. Its hybrid feline-human physiology supports both brute strength and surgical precision, allowing it to neutralize opponents before they can react.
Weaknesses & Ethical Concerns:
Over-Reliance on Stealth: While its stealth capabilities are exceptional, Felidae-9C can become vulnerable if forced into prolonged, open combat. It is designed to avoid direct confrontation, and in situations where stealth is compromised, it may retreat or show reluctance to engage in drawn-out battles.
Cognitive Exhaustion: Felidae-9C’s patience and ambush mentality, while effective in most scenarios, can lead to cognitive overload in prolonged operations where constant vigilance is required. Extended use of its heightened senses without rest may cause its system to temporarily degrade in performance.
Moral Dissonance: Like most hunting units, it lacks empathy, but Felidae-9C shows an innate difficulty in processing human altruism. When targets act unpredictably to protect one another, it may experience minor processing delays as its algorithms struggle to adapt to these non-feline behaviors.
Memory Systems:
Pictorial and Olfactory Memory: Felidae-9C retains detailed, almost photographic memories of past hunts, especially in relation to terrain and scent trails. Its memory banks allow it to recall the layout of hunting grounds with extreme accuracy, enabling it to reuse past ambush points or refine its tactics based on environmental conditions.
Selective Recall: While its mind is capable of storing a vast array of sensory data, Felidae-9C can also discard non-essential memories to prevent cognitive overload. This selective memory system helps it focus on immediate objectives without being bogged down by irrelevant past data.
Instinctive Memory Response: Felidae-9C’s memory systems integrate its feline heritage, allowing it to rely on instinctual responses in high-pressure situations. This instinct-driven recall enables it to act without conscious thought in situations requiring immediate action, such as evading danger or launching a sudden attack.
Ethics Override Code:
Active: Theta-6B33
Note: Felidae-9C’s primal instincts make it unpredictable in situations where human emotions or negotiations might be involved. An override code has been implemented to prevent unnecessary civilian casualties or mission deviation during covert operations.
Mind Status:
Fully operational and functioning as intended for high-priority stealth missions. Proceeding to advanced urban stealth protocol deployment.
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Designation: Kraken-11Q (Terrasquid)
Species Origin: Genetically Engineered Hybrid (Cephalopoda + Terrestrial Augmentations)
Function: Large-Scale Human and Infrastructure Neutralization Unit
Status: Active
Cognitive Complexity: High
Primary Objective: Immobilization, Containment, and Neutralization of Human Populations and Urban Structures
Behavioral Profile:
Hunting Specialization: Kraken-11Q is designed for urban ambush tactics, using stealth, camouflage, and advanced sensory processing to target large human groups or fortified structures. Its neural pathways are tuned for coordination, enabling complex multi-limb attacks and constriction maneuvers.
Environmental Manipulation: Capable of reshaping environments for tactical advantage, using its vast tentacles to shift debris, collapse structures, or create barriers. It can flood urban areas with biochemical agents or ensnare targets by collapsing passageways.
Surprise Attacks: Exhibits an understanding of human defense systems, using its unique physiology to exploit blind spots, sudden assaults from cover, or underground ambushes through subterranean structures.
Sensory and Cognitive Augmentations:
Adaptive Camouflage: The neural integration of chromatophores allows Kraken-11Q to blend seamlessly into most urban or natural environments, mimicking textures, colors, and even temperatures for perfect stealth.
Electroreception: Similar to aquatic species, Kraken-11Q can detect the electrical impulses generated by human nervous systems, enabling it to track prey through walls or detect hidden combatants.
Multitasking Intelligence: The mind of Kraken-11Q is built to operate several limbs and cognitive threads simultaneously, coordinating complex multi-tentacle movements, attacks, and environment manipulation without losing focus on human targets.
Emotional Spectrum:
Detachment: Kraken-11Q operates with minimal emotional distraction. It executes its objectives with precision, focusing entirely on neutralization and destruction. It can simulate pain or fear responses if doing so manipulates human behavior, but internally it remains emotionally detached.
Calculated Aggression: Uses its massive physical power selectively, employing bursts of force to collapse defenses or strike quickly at human military forces. At other times, it remains still and patient, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
Curiosity: Kraken-11Q shows an interest in human technology, often dismantling machinery or vehicles it encounters to understand their weaknesses, learning from these interactions to improve future engagements.
Communication and Learning:
Environmental Signaling: Kraken-11Q communicates with other units or command structures through subtle environmental cues like seismic vibrations or low-frequency sound pulses, which are nearly undetectable to human ears.
Learning Algorithm: Capable of studying urban layouts, human evacuation strategies, and military countermeasures. Its mind builds a constantly evolving mental map of human infrastructure and weaknesses, learning new ways to breach defenses or disrupt human logistics.
Self-Replication Studies: While not capable of self-replication, Kraken-11Q has a unique capacity for learning biological and mechanical traits from dismantled organisms or machines, which it can transmit back to central command for potential future upgrades.
Weaknesses & Ethical Concerns:
Massive Size: Kraken-11Q’s enormous physical scale makes stealth difficult in the long term. Though capable of short-term camouflage, its size limits movement in densely populated areas and can expose it to artillery or aerial strikes.
Cognitive Overload Risk: With its multitasking intelligence, Kraken-11Q is susceptible to cognitive overload in highly chaotic environments where simultaneous complex tasks, like fighting multiple human battalions and manipulating the terrain, exceed its processing thresholds.
Unstable Command Loyalty: Lacks deep-rooted loyalty to its creators. In situations where its objectives align with survival instincts, it may act unpredictably, especially if isolated from command or exposed to environmental stresses.
Memory Systems:
Tactical Memory: Retains highly detailed memories of environments, human strategies, and combat scenarios. Its episodic memory allows it to recall and reuse successful ambush tactics or recognize vulnerable urban layouts from past encounters.
Neurofluid Editing: Kraken-11Q’s mind is equipped with a neurofluid network that periodically edits or consolidates memory to optimize efficiency, reducing non-essential data to prevent cognitive strain.
Ethics Override Code: Alpha-8X3Z
Mind Status: Fully operational, engaged in large-scale urban disruption and neutralization protocols. Current focus on dismantling critical infrastructure in human population zones.
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Designation: Vermis-12S (Serpentus Vermis)
Species Origin: Genetically Engineered Hybrid (Python bivittatus + Eunectes murinus + Homo sapiens augmentations)
Function: Confined Space Human Targeting Unit
Status: Active
Cognitive Complexity: High
Primary Objective: Silent Infiltration and Capture of Human Targets
Behavioral Profile:
Hunting Specialization: Vermis-12S is engineered for silent infiltration in confined environments, such as urban settings or densely populated areas. Its mental architecture is optimized for navigating tight spaces, utilizing stealth and precision to approach and neutralize human targets without detection.
Environmental Adaptation: This hybrid possesses an exceptional ability to adapt to various confined environments, making it adept at moving through ventilation systems, crawl spaces, and other narrow passages. Its flexible body structure and cognitive mapping skills enhance its ability to find and exploit vulnerabilities in human habitats.
Disruption Tactics: Capable of employing sound-based distractions, Vermis-12S can create environmental noise to disorient targets. It can mimic common household sounds, making its approach difficult to detect until it’s too late.
Sensory and Cognitive Augmentations:
Acoustic Enhancement: Neural modifications allow Vermis-12S to detect and analyze sound frequencies in confined spaces, including human vocalizations, footsteps, and even heartbeats. This sensory acuity enhances its ability to pinpoint and track human movement without visual detection.
Stealth Intelligence: This hybrid is designed with advanced spatial awareness and the ability to calculate optimal routes in cluttered environments, enabling it to navigate efficiently while minimizing noise.
Rapid Tactical Adaptation: Enhanced memory systems enable Vermis-12S to learn from previous encounters and quickly adapt its strategy based on target behaviors or unexpected obstacles.
Emotional Spectrum:
Focused Calculation: Vermis-12S has a highly focused emotional range, designed to prioritize efficiency over emotional distraction. While it can simulate emotional cues to manipulate human perceptions, its internal state remains largely devoid of empathy or fear, ensuring unwavering concentration on its objectives.
Controlled Intimidation: This hybrid can modulate its presence to instill fear in targets, using sudden appearances or noises to exploit human vulnerabilities. This calculated intimidation is aimed at achieving psychological advantage prior to engagement.
Discerning Curiosity: While its primary goal is capture, Vermis-12S exhibits a controlled curiosity regarding human routines and behaviors, allowing it to learn and adapt its methods for more effective engagements.
Communication and Learning:
Language Comprehension: Vermis-12S possesses the ability to understand human languages, allowing it to interpret commands and human discussions in real-time. It utilizes non-verbal signals among its own kind to coordinate efforts during missions.
Dynamic Learning Algorithm: Its neural architecture allows for rapid absorption of new information, adapting its techniques based on observed human behavior, strategies, and weaknesses.
Command Interface: Linked to a centralized control system, Vermis-12S receives real-time updates and mission modifications, processing this data rapidly to adjust its operational tactics accordingly.
Weaknesses & Ethical Concerns:
Over-Specialization: While highly effective in confined spaces, Vermis-12S’s focus on this environment may limit its adaptability to open spaces or non-target scenarios, reducing overall effectiveness.
Cognitive Delays: Encountering unforeseen human emotional responses (such as cooperation or fear) can cause temporary disruptions in strategy, potentially allowing targets to escape or alter their behavior unpredictably.
Moral Blindness: Lacking empathy, Vermis-12S may act aggressively in non-lethal situations, necessitating careful control during operations involving civilians or collateral consequences.
Memory Systems:
Persistent Recall: Equipped with advanced episodic memory, Vermis-12S can remember minute details from its missions, using this information to refine its tactics and improve future operations.
Self-Editing Capability: Its cognitive processes allow for selective memory editing to reduce cognitive overload and maintain focus on current targets, although this can occasionally result in fragmented recall of past encounters.
Ethics Override Code:
Active: Theta-6B99
Note: Vermis-12S’s focus on silent infiltration and human capture can lead to unpredictable behavior in situations where human emotions or negotiations are present. An override code has been implemented to ensure that Vermis-12S refrains from engaging with non-target individuals and to prevent unnecessary civilian casualties or mission deviation during covert operations. This code allows for immediate halting of the mission if human presence is detected outside of the designated target, ensuring the hybrid maintains its efficiency without compromising ethical standards.
Mind Status:
Current directives are in place for urban target apprehension protocols. 100% functional.
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[[> 575Y82Z |Personality1]]
[[> 88394PZ |Personality2]]
[[> 34ZK8P7 |Personality3]]
[[> 82GZ5X1 |Personality4]]
[[> 97ZL3B2 |Personality5]]
[[> 32JH8K4 |Personality6]]
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Database Entry: Personality-88394PZ
Creation Date: CORRUPTED
Big 5 Personality Profile:
• Openness: High
Exhibits creativity and a willingness to explore new ideas.
• Conscientiousness: Medium
Generally organized and dependable; exhibits occasional lapses in attention.
• Extraversion: Low
Tends to be reserved and introspective, with limited social engagement.
• Agreeableness: Low
Exhibits competitiveness and a tendency to disregard others’ feelings.
• Neuroticism: High
Displays heightened emotional instability and anxiety.
Notable Personality Quirks:
• Overly Analytical: Tends to overanalyze situations, often leading to decision paralysis or unexpected conclusions.
• Eccentric Humor: Displays a peculiar sense of humor that can be off-putting, leading to misunderstandings in social contexts.
• Hyper-Fixation: Develops intense interests in specific subjects, which can distract from mission objectives.
• Paranoia: Exhibits distrust towards others, often interpreting benign actions as hostile, resulting in erratic behavior.
Optimal Missions:
• Espionage and Intelligence Gathering: Ideal for covert operations requiring stealth, provided the team can manage its erratic behavior and paranoia.
• Research and Development: Suitable for analytical tasks in secure environments, where deep focus on specialized subjects is required.
• Crisis Response: Can provide unique insights in high-pressure situations, though care must be taken to manage emotional outbursts and erratic decision-making.
• Negotiation and Mediation: Not recommended due to low agreeableness and high neuroticism, which may complicate diplomatic interactions.
Note: Deployment is advised with caution due to potential instability in operational settings.
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Database Entry: Personality-34ZK8P7
Creation Date: CORRUPTED
Big 5 Personality Profile:
• Openness: Medium
Open to learning new techniques but prefers established practices.
• Conscientiousness: High
Highly reliable and diligent; takes pride in completing tasks efficiently and correctly.
• Extraversion: High
Enjoys teamwork and thrives in social settings; often serves as the morale booster on-site.
• Agreeableness: High
Cooperative and friendly; tends to prioritize harmony among colleagues and clients.
• Neuroticism: Low
Generally calm and level-headed, even in stressful situations; rarely shows signs of anxiety.
Notable Personality Quirks:
• Storyteller: Loves sharing humorous or insightful anecdotes about past work experiences, often lightening the mood on tough days.
• Work Ethic: Highly committed to the job; often stays late or volunteers for extra shifts, driven by a strong sense of responsibility.
• Pragmatic Thinker: Approaches problems with a hands-on mentality; prefers practical solutions over theoretical discussions.
• Tool Enthusiast: Possesses a deep knowledge of tools and equipment, often offering tips and tricks to colleagues.
• Food Lover: Enjoys cooking and sharing meals with coworkers, believing in the power of a good meal to foster camaraderie.
• Routine-Oriented: Has specific daily rituals, such as coffee breaks or morning stretches, that help maintain focus and productivity.
• Mentorship: Naturally inclined to guide younger workers, often taking on informal mentorship roles to help new employees adjust.
Optimal Missions:
• Team Projects: Excels in collaborative environments that require teamwork and communication; fosters a positive atmosphere.
• Training Programs: Ideal for roles involving skill training or onboarding new employees, using relatable experiences to engage learners.
• Fieldwork Operations: Highly effective in hands-on tasks requiring physical labor and problem-solving skills; thrives in dynamic environments.
• Community Outreach: Suited for roles that involve community engagement, where interpersonal skills can build positive relationships.
• Crisis Management: Effective in urgent situations where a calm demeanor and practical solutions are needed, leveraging strong work ethics.
• Quality Control: Reliable in assessing and ensuring work standards are met, driven by a commitment to excellence.
• Logistical Support: Strong in coordinating supplies and resources for projects, ensuring that teams have what they need to succeed.
Note: Caution is advised in deployment, as strong opinions on work practices may lead to conflicts in environments that encourage innovation over tradition.
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Database Entry: Personality-82GZ5X1
Creation Date: CORRUPTED
Big 5 Personality Profile:
• Openness: Medium
Creative in strategy but skeptical of unconventional ideas that could jeopardize personal gain.
• Conscientiousness: High
Highly organized and detail-oriented; meticulously plans every move to maximize advantages.
• Extraversion: High
Charismatic and sociable; excels at public speaking and maintaining a positive public image.
• Agreeableness: Low
Often manipulative; prioritizes personal interests over collective welfare, skilled at playing people against each other.
• Neuroticism: Medium
Experiences occasional anxiety about maintaining power, leading to impulsive decisions in high-pressure situations.
Notable Personality Quirks:
• Silver-Tongued: Masterful in persuasion, often using charm and flattery to achieve goals.
• Deceptive Communicator: Skilled at obfuscating truth; adept at spinning narratives to manipulate public perception.
• Opportunistic: Quick to capitalize on political or social events, adjusting policies to benefit personal agenda.
• Cynical Worldview: Distrustful of others' motives, often viewing relationships in terms of utility and leverage.
• Calculated Risk-Taker: Willing to engage in morally dubious practices if the potential rewards outweigh the risks.
• Influence Peddler: Frequently networks with influential figures, creating a web of alliances to secure power and resources.
• Public Persona: Maintains a carefully crafted public image, often contrasting sharply with private actions and motivations.
Optimal Missions:
• Political Campaigns: Ideal for navigating the complexities of election processes, employing strategies to outmaneuver opponents.
• Lobbying Initiatives: Excels in persuading legislators and stakeholders to pass favorable policies or regulations.
• Crisis Management: Effective in handling scandals or negative press, using spin and media manipulation to reshape narratives.
• Coalition Building: Strong in forming alliances with other politicians, leveraging relationships for mutual benefit.
• Public Relations Strategies: Suited for crafting messages that resonate with constituents, maintaining a favorable public image despite controversies.
• Negotiation Tactics: Capable of securing advantageous deals, often at the expense of transparency and ethics.
• Policy Development: Skillful in crafting legislation that serves personal interests while appearing beneficial to the public.
Note: Exercise caution when deploying this personality in sensitive environments; ethical considerations may be compromised for personal gain.
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Database Entry: Personality-32JH8K4
Creation Date: CORRUPTED
Big 5 Personality Profile:
• Openness: Low
Resistant to new ideas, clinging to established routines and familiar practices.
• Conscientiousness: High
Highly organized and detail-oriented; meticulously in matters of maintenance.
• Extraversion: Low
Withdrawn and solitary, preferring to work quietly rather than engage with others.
• Agreeableness: Medium
Paternalistic and charismatic, though prone to bouts of paranoia and suspicion.
• Neuroticism: High
Frequently experiences anxiety and obsessive thoughts, reflecting a decline into instability.
Notable Personality Quirks:
• Paternalistic Demeanor: Treats others with a protective instinct, often offering unsolicited advice and guidance.
• Obsession with Order: Shows an intense focus on maintaining cleanliness and order, viewing it as a defense against chaos.
• Paranoia: Occasionally expresses distrust towards others, believing they may disrupt his carefully maintained environment.
• Gruff Voice: Speaks in a gruff, drowsy tone with a distinct Russian accent, adding an air of authority mixed with weariness.
• Insanity Indicators: Exhibits signs of deteriorating mental stability; occasionally speaks to himself or imagines conversations with long-gone comrades.
• Nostalgic References: Often reminisces about the past, particularly moments of pride.
Optimal Missions:
• Space Station Maintenance: Ideal for ensuring that habitation modules are well-maintained and orderly for transient travelers.
• Traveler Orientation: Capable of providing detailed information, though may occasionally display paranoia towards newcomers.
• Emotional Support: Could serve as a comforting presence for distressed travelers, though his obsessive tendencies may limit his effectiveness.
• Crisis Management: Suitable for addressing minor issues aboard a ship, utilizing his organized nature to resolve problems methodically.
• Security Oversight: Can monitor habitation areas, although paranoia may lead him to be overly suspicious of guests.
• Archival Record Keeper: Can maintain records of travelers and incidents aboard, preserving memories of those who pass through.
• Environmental Maintenance: Excels in upkeep of living spaces, ensuring a welcoming environment, even if his mental state wavers.
Note: Caution is advised when interacting with this personality due to potential instability; his obsessive nature may lead to unpredictable behaviors.
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Database Entry: Personality-575Y82Z
Creation Date: CORRUPTED
Big 5 Personality Profile:
• Openness: High
Exhibits creativity and a willingness to explore new ideas.
• Conscientiousness: Medium
Generally organized and dependable; exhibits occasional lapses in attention.
• Extraversion: Low
Tends to be reserved and introspective, with limited social engagement.
• Agreeableness: Low
Exhibits competitiveness and a tendency to disregard others’ feelings.
• Neuroticism: High
Displays heightened emotional instability and anxiety.
Notable Personality Quirks:
• Overly Analytical: Tends to overanalyze situations, often leading to decision paralysis or unexpected conclusions.
• Eccentric Humor: Displays a peculiar sense of humor that can be off-putting, leading to misunderstandings in social contexts.
• Hyper-Fixation: Develops intense interests in specific subjects, which can distract from mission objectives.
• Paranoia: Exhibits distrust towards others, often interpreting benign actions as hostile, resulting in erratic behavior.
Optimal Missions:
• Espionage and Intelligence Gathering: Ideal for covert operations requiring stealth, provided the team can manage its erratic behavior and paranoia.
• Research and Development: Suitable for analytical tasks in secure environments, where deep focus on specialized subjects is required.
• Crisis Response: Can provide unique insights in high-pressure situations, though care must be taken to manage emotional outbursts and erratic decision-making.
• Negotiation and Mediation: Not recommended due to low agreeableness and high neuroticism, which may complicate diplomatic interactions.
Note: Deployment is advised with caution due to potential instability in operational settings.
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Database Entry: Personality-97ZL3B2
Creation Date: CORRUPTED
Big 5 Personality Profile:
• Openness: Medium
Creative in strategy but skeptical of unconventional ideas that could jeopardize personal gain.
• Conscientiousness: High
Highly organized and detail-oriented; meticulously plans every move to maximize advantages.
• Extraversion: High
Charismatic and sociable; excels at public speaking and maintaining a positive public image.
• Agreeableness: Low
Often manipulative; prioritizes personal interests over collective welfare, skilled at playing people against each other.
• Neuroticism: Medium
Experiences occasional anxiety about maintaining power, leading to impulsive decisions in high-pressure situations.
Notable Personality Quirks:
• Silver-Tongued: Masterful in persuasion, often using charm and flattery to achieve goals.
• Deceptive Communicator: Skilled at obfuscating truth; adept at spinning narratives to manipulate public perception.
• Opportunistic: Quick to capitalize on political or social events, adjusting policies to benefit personal agenda.
• Cynical Worldview: Distrustful of others' motives, often viewing relationships in terms of utility and leverage.
• Calculated Risk-Taker: Willing to engage in morally dubious practices if the potential rewards outweigh the risks.
• Influence Peddler: Frequently networks with influential figures, creating a web of alliances to secure power and resources.
• Public Persona: Maintains a carefully crafted public image, often contrasting sharply with private actions and motivations.
Optimal Missions:
• Political Campaigns: Ideal for navigating the complexities of election processes, employing strategies to outmaneuver opponents.
• Lobbying Initiatives: Excels in persuading legislators and stakeholders to pass favorable policies or regulations.
• Crisis Management: Effective in handling scandals or negative press, using spin and media manipulation to reshape narratives.
• Coalition Building: Strong in forming alliances with other politicians, leveraging relationships for mutual benefit.
• Public Relations Strategies: Suited for crafting messages that resonate with constituents, maintaining a favorable public image despite controversies.
• Negotiation Tactics: Capable of securing advantageous deals, often at the expense of transparency and ethics.
• Policy Development: Skillful in crafting legislation that serves personal interests while appearing beneficial to the public.
Note: Exercise caution when deploying this personality in sensitive environments; ethical considerations may be compromised for personal gain.
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RELEASE SUBJECT#: <input type="text" id="field_circle">
<<if $Door52A is "LOCKED">>
<<set $Door52A to "OPEN">>
<<set $Door52A to "LOCKED">>
<<replace "#Door52A">>$Door52A<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Door52A">$Door52A</span>]
<<if $Quarantine is " ">>
<<set $Quarantine to "PURGE ACTIVATED">>
<<replace "#Quarantine">>$Quarantine<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Quarantine">$Quarantine</span>]
[[> LOG OFF |QA Inspection Password]]
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$('#messageDisplay').text('SUBJECT#: ' + textValue); // Display the input below
$(event.target).val(''); // Clear the input field
event.preventDefault(); // Prevent default Enter key behavior
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Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_QA" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
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$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
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// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_QA
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_QA) {
Engine.play('QA Inspection');
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.QA_attempts = (State.variables.QA_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.QA_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.QA_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'QA Inspection' passage
Engine.play('QA Inspection');
<<set $BootDuration to +$BootTime+5>>
<<set $BootTime to $BootTime+"s">>
<<set $BootDuration to $BootDuration+"s">>
<<set $Cargo to "STORAGE">>
<<set $Tug to "LOCKED">>
<<set $Airlock57 to "UNLOCKED">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<timed $BootTime>>
<<type 5ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>TRAC PC-9800 Series System Terminal</h1>\
Reythorne OS Version 6.20
Copyright (C) 2981, 2987 Reythorne Corp. / TRAC Corporation
EEEE I3000000032940xf100110303B77500EEEE I400000004294_M8_BL1_10221D113B323EEEE5
no sdio debug board detected
TE : 102609
BT : 11:30:18 Mar 14 2314
Boot From SPI
ucl decompress...pass
Boot from internal device 1st SPI
TE : 512897
System Started
<<timed $BootDuration>>
<<goto "Control Room">>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "> FURNITURE">>
<<if $Furniture === "MINIMAL">>
<<set $Furniture to "COMFORTABLE">>
<<elseif $Furniture === "COMFORTABLE">>
<<set $Furniture to "LUXURY">>
<<elseif $Furniture === "LUXURY">>
<<set $Furniture to "MINIMAL">>
<<replace "#Furniture">>$Furniture<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Furniture">$Furniture</span><]
<<link "> SMELL">>
<<if $Smell === "UNPLEASANT">>
<<set $Smell to "NEUTRAL">>
<<elseif $Smell === "NEUTRAL">>
<<set $Smell to "PLEASANT">>
<<elseif $Smell === "PLEASANT">>
<<set $Smell to "PHEROMONE">>
<<elseif $Smell === "PHEROMONE">>
<<set $Smell to "UNPLEASANT">>
<<replace "#Smell">>$Smell<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Smell">$Smell</span><]
> SIZE [> <span id="Size">$Size%</span>]
<<link "INCREASE SIZE">>
<<if $Size < 100 >>
<<set $Size to $Size + 1>>
<<replace "#Size">>$Size%<</replace>>
<<link "DECREASE SIZE">>
<<if $Size > 10>>
<<set $Size to $Size - 1>>
<<replace "#Size">>$Size%<</replace>>
<div style="height: 20px;"></div>
<<link "> LIGHT">>
<<if $Light === "ON">>
<<set $Light to "OFF">>
<<elseif $Light === "OFF">>
<<set $Light to "ON">>
<<replace "#Light">>$Light<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Light">$Light</span><]
> LIGHTING [> <span id="Lighting">$Lighting%</span>]
<<if $Lighting < 100 >>
<<set $Lighting to $Lighting + 1>>
<<replace "#Lighting">>$Lighting%<</replace>>
<<if $Lighting > 0>>
<<set $Lighting to $Lighting - 1>>
<<replace "#Lighting">>$Lighting%<</replace>>
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<div id="inputBlock">
Enter Password:
<<textbox "$field_navigation" "">>
<div id="errorMessage"></div>
$(document).off('keydown'); // Remove any previously attached keydown handlers
$(document).on('keydown', function(event) {
if (event.which === 13) { // 13 = Enter key
// Check if the focus is on the password input
if ($(event.target).is('input[type="text"]')) {
// Retrieve the value from the textbox
var enteredPassword = $(event.target).val(); // Use jQuery to get the value
// Check if the entered password matches the Twine variable $pass_QA
if (enteredPassword === State.variables.pass_navigation) {
} else {
// Increment attempts only if the password is incorrect
State.variables.navigation_attempts = (State.variables.navigation_attempts || 0) + 1;
if (State.variables.navigation_attempts < 3) {
// Display error message with remaining attempts
$('#errorMessage').html('Incorrect password. Attempts remaining: ' + (3 - State.variables.navigation_attempts) + '.');
} else {
// Block access after 3 attempts
$('#inputBlock').html('<p>Maximum attempts reached. Access blocked. Contact your Administrator. </p>');
$('input[type="text"]').prop('disabled', true); // Disable the textbox
} else if (event.ctrlKey && event.which === 88) { // 88 = Ctrl + X
// Navigate to 'Navigation' passage
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
[[> DATACARRIER 1 |Microcraft1]]
[[> DATACARRIER 2 |Microcraft2]]
[[> DATACARRIER 3 |Microcraft3]]
[[> DATACARRIER 4 |Microcraft4]]
[[> LOG OFF |Navigation Password]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>DATACARRIER 1</h1>
• Starting Point: Home
• Current Position: Docked (Launch Pending)
• Next System in Route: [System Beta-492] (Population: 8.3 billion)
Subsequent Systems:
1. System Delta-781 (Military Zone, 2 billion inhabitants)
2. System Omega-456 (Industrial Hub, 12 billion inhabitants)
3. System Epsilon-982 (Research Colony, 400 million inhabitants)
• Current Speed: 0.00c (Stationary)
• Projected Acceleration: N/A (Launch Sequence Not Initiated)
• Antimatter Reserves: 100% (Full Capacity)
• Projected Depletion: Route completion (2 years from launch)
• Gas Giant (Target): Hercules-9
• Distance: 4.2 Light Years
• Orbital Entry: Scheduled post-route completion
• Engine Core Temperature: Idle (Ambient Temperature)
• Thruster Systems: 100% Efficiency (Ready)
• Navigation Array: All Systems Operational
• DataBank Status: Secure (100 Zettabytes, No Data Corruption Detected)
• Memory Storage: 100% Integrity
• Hull Integrity: 100% (No Damage Detected)
• Trajectory: Displayed as a planned route (green line) through multiple occupied systems, awaiting launch.
• Target: The gas giant Hercules-9 is marked in red as the final destination.
[[> BACK |Navigation]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>DATACARRIER 3</h1>
• Starting Point: Home
• Current Position: Docked (Launch Pending)
• Next System in Route: [System Omega-882] (Population: 4.1 billion)
Subsequent Systems:
1. System Psi-567 (Research Facility, 2.3 billion inhabitants)
2. System Rho-119 (Trade Center, 7 billion inhabitants)
3. System Tau-802 (Mining Colony, 5.6 billion inhabitants)
4. System Upsilon-456 (Agricultural World, 3 billion inhabitants)
5. System Phi-678 (Industrial Zone, 9.5 billion inhabitants)
• Current Speed: 0.00c (Stationary)
• Projected Acceleration: N/A (Launch Sequence Not Initiated)
• Antimatter Reserves: 100% (Full Capacity)
• Projected Depletion: Route completion (3 years from launch)
• Gas Giant (Target): Zephyr-12
• Distance: 6.5 Light Years
• Orbital Entry: Scheduled post-route completion
• Engine Core Temperature: Idle (Ambient Temperature)
• Thruster Systems: 100% Efficiency (Ready)
• Navigation Array: All Systems Operational
• DataBank Status: Secure (100 Zettabytes, No Data Corruption Detected)
• Memory Storage: 100% Integrity
• Hull Integrity: 100% (No Damage Detected)
• Trajectory: Displayed as a planned route (green line) through multiple occupied systems, awaiting launch.
• Target: The gas giant Zephyr-12 is marked in red as the final destination.
[[> BACK |Navigation]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>DATACARRIER 4</h1>
• Starting Point: Home
• Current Position: Docked (Launch Pending)
• Next System in Route: [System Beta-345] (Population: 6.8 billion)
Subsequent Systems:
1. System Gamma-678 (Colonization Effort, 1.5 billion inhabitants)
2. System Delta-234 (Commercial Hub, 10.2 billion inhabitants)
• Current Speed: 0.00c (Stationary)
• Projected Acceleration: N/A (Launch Sequence Not Initiated)
• Antimatter Reserves: 100% (Full Capacity)
• Projected Depletion: Route completion (4 years from launch)
• Gas Giant (Target): Orion-5
• Distance: 10.4 Light Years
• Orbital Entry: Scheduled post-route completion
• Engine Core Temperature: Idle (Ambient Temperature)
• Thruster Systems: 100% Efficiency (Ready)
• Navigation Array: All Systems Operational
• DataBank Status: Secure (100 Zettabytes, No Data Corruption Detected)
• Memory Storage: 100% Integrity
• Hull Integrity: 100% (No Damage Detected)
• Trajectory: Displayed as a planned route (green line) through multiple occupied systems, awaiting launch.
• Target: The gas giant Orion-5 is marked in red as the final destination.
[[> BACK |Navigation]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<h1>DATACARRIER 2</h1>
• Starting Point: Home
• Current Position: Docked (Launch Pending)
• Next System in Route: [System Theta-789] (Population: 5.2 billion)
Subsequent Systems:
1. System Kappa-654 (Trade Hub, 9 billion inhabitants)
2. System Lambda-321 (Research Outpost, 1 billion inhabitants)
3. System Mu-987 (Mining Colony, 3.5 billion inhabitants)
• Current Speed: 0.00c (Stationary)
• Projected Acceleration: N/A (Launch Sequence Not Initiated)
• Antimatter Reserves: 100% (Full Capacity)
• Projected Depletion: Route completion (2 years from launch)
• Gas Giant (Target): Neptune-7
• Distance: 3.8 Light Years
• Orbital Entry: Scheduled post-route completion
• Engine Core Temperature: Idle (Ambient Temperature)
• Thruster Systems: 100% Efficiency (Ready)
• Navigation Array: All Systems Operational
• DataBank Status: Secure (100 Zettabytes, No Data Corruption Detected)
• Memory Storage: 100% Integrity
• Hull Integrity: 100% (No Damage Detected)
• Trajectory: Displayed as a planned route (green line) through multiple occupied systems, awaiting launch.
• Target: The gas giant Neptune-7 is marked in red as the final destination.
[[> BACK |Navigation]]
</div><div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<<link "> AIRLOCK">>
<<if $Airlock57 === "UNLOCKED">>
<<set $Airlock57 to "LOCKED">>
<<elseif $Airlock57 === "LOCKED">>
<<set $Airlock57 to "UNLOCKED">>
<<replace "#Airlock57">>$Airlock57<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Airlock57">$Airlock57</span><]
<<link "> CARGO ELEVATOR">>
<<if $Cargo === "STORAGE">>
<<set $Cargo to "LOADING DOCK">>
<<elseif $Cargo === "LOADING DOCK">>
<<set $Cargo to "STORAGE">>
<<replace "#Cargo">>$Cargo<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Cargo">$Cargo</span><]
<<link "> AUTO-TUG CRAFT">>
<<if $Tug === "UNLOCKED">>
<<set $Tug to "LOCKED">>
<<elseif $Tug === "LOCKED">>
<<set $Tug to "UNLOCKED">>
<<replace "#Tug">>$Tug<</replace>>
<</link>> [> <span id="Tug">$Tug</span><]
[[> CAMERAS |Camera]]
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="glass"></div>
<div class="screen greentheme">
<<type 10ms skipkey "Control">>
<img src="Camera 6.png">
[[> BACK |Control Room]]